
Do we really need SATELLITE RADIO??

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Do we really need SATELLITE RADIO??




  1. Do we really need stupid questions?

  2. do we need hd tv?

  3. It's needed if more variety is wished for in mobile music (especially in areas such as New York City without a country station) and in rural areas espcially

    However currently I don't subscribe as both services have stations I like however they are not worth the $12 currently

  4. I don't like paying for something I can get free.  Probably in the next 5-10 years, all cars will have Internet access and you can listen to tons of Internet radio stations for FREE and not have to pay for XM.

  5. No one really NEEDS anything except water, air, food, and arguably shelter.  But  XM radio is awesome.  I'd choose it over a lot of other wants in my life - like satellite TV, netflix.  I would not choose it over internet though.  But no, if I was broke, I would not NEED satellite radio.

  6. I do.  2-3 hours in a car every day.  I can't stand morning zoo radio and constant advertising.

  7. You may not need it.. But I need it.

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