
Do we really need a monarchy in this day and age?

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Do we really need a monarchy in this day and age?




  1. No.

  2. Yes:, an anthropological curiosity

  3. We need that bunch of muppets like we need lead boots in a swimming pool.

    Free-loading bums the lot of 'em.

  4. No, we don't.

  5. I believe that unless we keep the royals, we will end up with just lying, cheating politicians.

    The Queen and the rest of the royal family is stability and non biased. We need someone to look to that isn't going to plug their political beliefs to you.

    Plus, mostly the only reason tourists come here is for Buckingham Palace and the royals. And it only costs tax payers pennies a year.

  6. YES more than ever

  7. nope ! biggest bunch of out of date parasitic free loaders to fleece this nation. bring on the republic.....

  8. NO.

    It's appalling that British soldiers are dying in Afghanistan and Iraq so those people can have the freedom to elect their own head of state when the British people do not have the same privilege.

    Nobody has mentioned the possibility of a king or queen for those two countries because they know it is an untenable concept in the modern world.

    Most people who want a monarchy defend it on the grounds that it is some sort of sideshow for tourists.

    Well there are plenty of countries with more tourists who don't have queens . It's unlikely that many tourists would see any member of the royal family and the same is true of most British citizens.

    Monarchy is a left over from the era of bad drains and child labour.

  9. Oh yes - we should have the monarchy. Absolutely.

    There are so many reasons to have the royal family and only one possible reason , that of cost, against it .

    It makes us special.

    It's a contingency in case democracy goes horribly wrong.

    The Royal Family add to and influence our culture.

    Imagine we have a major disaster of some sort - sometimes - like now we have an unpopular Prime Minister. Public opinion can turn quite quickly, and the PM's words/involvement in the disaster aftermath are unwelcome. This is where a Royal Family can have a huge affect on the country's spirit.

    The only argument against a royal family that has some merit is the cost. However, the last time I sae any figures , it suggested tourist revenue paid for all Royal Family costs and more. So it seems to me - we have the Royal Family for free.

  10. I assume you mean the UK.

    At the moment, the monarchy is one of the few supra-national institutions in Britain. Without these institutions, the temptation to fracture the UK along national lines becomes even greater.

    That's why the English created a non-British, supra-national monarchy in the first place, and why the monarchs have been encouraged to seek their spouses in continental Europe.

    Now that the English themselves are becoming disenchanted with the UK, the monarchy and the union it stands for may soon be discarded together.

  11. yes. it's Englands main revenue as it attracts millions of tourists every year, therefore keeping people employed.

    but other than that, i wouldn't miss our royal family if they disappeared overnight.

  12. Of, course we do the  YANKS, and many other country,s in the world would love to have the pomp and ceremony that we have at royal occasions,

  13. when the monarchy ruled Britain was a much stronger and richer place than with our present government .they deserve to be here just for the revenue they bring in alone from tourists,who flock from all over.

  14. Royals have one hand in every brits pocket, the other hand over every brits mouth. That's how they stay in power, using wealth to oppress and the power to ostracize, to keep mouths shut.

    Real nice social system brits have, is that so?

  15. Do you realize how much it'd cost to replace all the coins in circulation?   Just refacing one side would probably run into millions.

    As long as there are bridges to be opened, they'll always be a need for the monarchy.    Also, getting rid of the monarchy would put 2,500 Chinese out work who make white gloves.

    Of course I'm kidding.  But, you wouldn't be asking this question if you were on the Honour's list.

  16. If we didn't have a monarchy we would have to have an elected president, which would mean more elections, which would be very tiresome.  The Queen is cheap at the price.  And I think she does a very good job.

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