
Do we really need to raise taxes?

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Wouldn't it be a lot better if Congress just learned how to spend less?

I think they should just drop all the subsidies for a year then decide who really needs them. This would save billions and surely the people that are getting them would survive for a year.




  1. Wouldn't it be a lot better if the president just learned how to spend less.  Congress with the last Democrat in the White House was reducing the national debt.  It's those war mongering small government conservatives that are spending all the money.

  2. No, we don't need to raise taxes any more than it is.  And you are correct, the government will need to learn to spend better.  Eliminate any spending that can be considered vote-buying!  For example, welfare money will need to be eliminated unless you make it a law that anybody receiving welfare is not eligible to vote for a Congressman, Senator, or Presidential ticket.

    And I'm so sick and tired of these idiots who think "taxing the rich" is even a SANE solution to your dilemma.  Geez, I'm not rich but I have the BRAIN to know that my job is dependent on that Rich guy continuing to make good money!  Tax him some more and he just might close shop... and there goes my paycheck!  IDIOTS!

    And more IDIOTS... the PRESIDENT spent all the money...  Clinton spent less, Bush spent more... GEEZ... GO BACK TO GRADE SCHOOL!  The President does not have ANY authority to spend tax money!  Only the Congress does!  So, Clinton or Bush presidency is irrelevant - look at who ran Congress at those times!

    GRRRR!!!!  And YOU are VOTING???

  3. Good if we can only get you elected as senator...

  4. Unfortunately, we do have to raise taxes until the actual debt comes down so that we are paying of principle and not just interest in the debt.  I like your ideas AFTER we lower the debt some, but I also like the idea of taxing the rich heavier than the middle class and poor since it was probably their lobbyists and ideas that got us in debt so much in the first place.

  5. YEA man do you know how much it costs when a congers man goes on vacation in this US. congress jet. I think that congress should be audited .

    Also the power of congress should be decreased and given to the people and we should know what bills a being passed. i think the congress is totally out of control.  

  6. They never cut govt-either party, but only one cuts taxes, so in the long run, you end up paying for those tax cuts WITH INTEREST

    You know WE are paying for Reagan's uncontrolled borrowing, and our grandchildren will pay for Bush's

  7. **** that man..taxes will stay the same man

  8. The way i see it....the nation prices continue to rise and for that min. wage has went up and when that goes up taxes shoot up do gas, and food

  9. Pork barrel politics is one man's feast or one man's fututre heart attack.

  10. The national deficit is now skirting $10 TRILLION, more than double what it was when Bush came to office.  The FY09 deficit is shaping up at an extra half a trillion on top of that.  Merely cutting expenses won't be enough to lower it for a LONG time to come.  The interest on the deficit alone is nearly as much as the entire annual budget for the Department of Defense!  And that's at today's artificially low interest rates.  Rates are already starting to rise and if they go up by 2 percentage points the interest will be MORE than the DoD budget!

    Saving "billions" won't cut it.  There are a thousand billions in a trillion so we're 10,000 billion in the hole now.  That means that MASSIVE tax increases are going to be needed to start reversing the trend.  Even Senator McCain has admitted this fact if somewhat grudgingly.  And anyone who thinks we can cut taxes any further over all is simply an economics fool.

    Even if you cut ALL earmarks and subsidies it would only slow the growth of the deficit; it would NOT reduce it.

  11. Amen! It's completely out of control.

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