
Do we really want Business Barbie to represent women for the first time in the Presidential office?

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Palin talks the talk, but she doesn't walk the walk when it comes to Women's rights. She'll take us back to the 1950s.




  1. she will be in the Vice President's office for starters. second off she is far better to represent women's rights than Hillary Clinton ever could hope too.

  2. As an Independent, I was seriously dismayed that McCain picked Palin over Lieberman. I can't vote for Obama because of his flawed economic plans, but I don't want to vote for McCain now either.

    He CLEARLY wants to capture disgruntled Clinton supporters AND his conservative base with this selection. I'm shocked that he would pass up Lieberman to give us a vastly inexperienced person as his No. 2. WHY? Because she has b***s and is pro-life. Feminists might be rejoicing that ANY woman is getting a shot at high level office, but could any rational person want her to get there this way?

    She's being used by a wrinkly old man and we as a nation are getting historically hosed in this election!

  3. Yes, apparently women's rights have taken her far.

  4. You should be happy that your next vice president is going to be a woman.  Stop hating on women..  Liberal.

  5. Just because she did some beauty pageant when she was younger doesn't mean that she is any less capable of doing a good job. And yes, I'd be proud of any woman who made it to the White House regardless of who they were. I might not agree with them or like them but I would respect them.  

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