
Do we realy need a black guy in the white house begging for change?

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Do we realy need a black guy in the white house begging for change?




  1. He has plenty of change. In fact, millions of dollars. he won't need to beg.

  2. No. We have enough in the streets doing that.

  3. He won't be begging for change, others will be begging to change him.

  4. How ignorant are you? Go back to your video games and quit wasting people's time.  

  5. he is not begging for change, he is just doing something that the old white ones couldnt do that can help us

  6. HAHAHA I totally agree with you.........

  7. We don't need any goose stepping leftist traitor in the white house. Doesn't matter what color he is.  

  8. You need to learn to spell instead of wasting time posting nonsense.

  9. Maybe you love to continue the way the White House had been run for the past 8 years. Economy going down the sink, the dollar becoming a worthless currency, high food and oil prices, factories closing here and there, soaring unemployment, people losing their homes, banks going to bankruptcy, huge budget deficit, trillion dollars national debt, foreign wars and invasions, people slowly losing their civil rights and liberties, etc..

  10. LMFAO, bravo......

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