
Do we sometimes underestimate the power of our words?

by  |  earlier

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  1. i just love the rhythm and music of the English language

  2. Of course.

    If you tell someone theyre 'no good' just you what how theyll turn out to be.

  3. It is one thing to share an opinion, everyone has one.  

    It is definitely wrong to make public statements that "you" are not prepared be held "accountable for".  Defined as fact; who, what, where, when and why!  Our journalists who create sensationalism without fact should be held accountable for damage they cause.  This rule should apply to all persons but especially people who profit from spreading news.

    Respectfully, My opinion.......

  4. Yes something for the media to take on board when they write their rubbish.

  5. yes. mental abuse is worse than physical.

  6. Words should always be chosen carefully

  7. Words can be very powerful tools to use or abuse...I agree they can be underestimated sometimes :-)

  8. Do you remember?

    Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me.

    Whoever said that was very very wrong.

  9. words can only hurt you if you care for the person they are coming from

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