
Do we still need the Federal Government?

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It seems that the 50 states could do better as independent nations, without a federal government siphoning 20-30% of everyone's income.

If California doesn't have a problem with illegal Mexicans coming in, then they can have a loose immigration policy.

If Tennessee has a big problem with illegal Mexicans, then they can have a tight immigration policy.

If Kansas wants to teach the Bible in the public schools, why should they have to bow down to California's whims?




  1. As the founders and the US Constitution states . Not as it is today in it's mutated state .

  2. Of course, or we'd be at war with each other all the time.

    Also, some states would be third world countries while others would be rich.  There would be no attempt at economic equality.

    Southern states would have slaves still.

    Texas would have remained Mexican and Florida Spanish along with California.  Alaska would have remained Russian.

  3. Yes, thank you for having a brain!

    That's what our founding fathers intended! Freedom for everyone... but unfortunately, in the USA, we have some mushy marginalized version of freedom where at least 50% (not counting the independents) are not happy with our government at all times!

  4. Yes. If we split up into 50 different countries, I'd give it 5 years before there would be wars happening here, probably over trade taxes.

  5. 50 states with 50 different sets of laws and no federal government to tie it together? Won't work.

  6. You've got a good point; but, I think friction would start immediately.  We already have towns that cross state borders.  The federal government does things like regulate food and drink, does big projects like cross state/country highways, etc.  I don't think human beings are mature enough and selfless enough to make that work.  But, I wish it could.

  7. I agree 100% with you.

  8. sounds like a plan

  9. No, we do not.

  10. Geeee....

    It sounds to me like you are trying to re-institute the Constitution that we inherited from our Founding Fathers.

    The Federal Government had the LEAST power.

    The Individual had the MOST power and was well represented by their LOCAL government.

    Want to return to that government and try again?

    Try voting all those bums out of office.

    It would be a good start and would send notice to all of the new officials that we will be watching them.

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