
Do we the people have the balls to actually stand up to our government?

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This is a follow up to my earlier question. your answers bring me to this question. as a people do we have the numbers to actually make a diference? if so how?




  1. I do.  But most of the lame A** dopes out there want hillary to dictate to them.

  2. For starters we all read the U.S. Constitution  amd the Billof Rights, and learn them. I supplied a link to both.

    You excercise your right to vote.

    You use your voice, and tell your elected officials at all levels that you will not tolerate any more removal of our rights, and demand that under the powers of the constitution that we write a newer constitution over riding the original and put the power back into the hands of the people where it belongs.

  3. .It will take starvation, Genocide, no wally-world money, to get them off their fat lazy ***.Which has Already started, by the gas price increase. You can ,more than likely see sites like this one banned in the future,because it gives people a way to try and understand what is going on.

  4. First step is Rebel against the use of Diebold Voting Machines!!!   Raise a ruckus at the local level and demand a product with an audit trail.   That means a printed ballot.

    ps...Good move praitul on inserting a link to the constitution!!!

  5. Ask Jimmie Carter., Richard Nixon, or Lyndon Johnson.

  6. They did at one time; but those were different days, a different era.  We have the numbers to make a difference - we just don't have the commitment and dedication it takes to go the extra mile (beyond the voting booth).

  7. I'm a girl 2, but I can take someone else's.  Because all politicians are bought and paid for. We need to get rid of the problem.  Do your research; look up the Federal Reserve which is NOT part of the government. It is a privately owned cartel owned by the original families, Rothchilds, Rockefellers, Morgans, etc.. We allow them to lend us our own money and then we are contracted to pay back the interest on the National Debt. THEY created the IRS which also is NOT a part of the government. They run the world .  Ever heard of the Tri Lateral Commission?  Go to for starters. Go to and listen to "The Creature from Jekell Island"  the truth about how the Federal Reserve got put into place. The truth is starting to make a difference to the American Public and they are realizing that WE Don’t HAVE TO PAY the IRS. That money only lines the pockets of the Federal Reserve OWNERS Last year, over 1 million People figured it out and did not file a 1040, they filed an annual statement. Did you know that if you file a 1040, you are stating that you live in the Virgin Islands and therefore agree to pay an income tax? All you need to do is file an annual statement and that's it. Did you know that the Real ID Act of 2005 became law and starting in 2008 ALL "citizens" must have a National ID. You will not be able to do anything without it. All your banking, medical, driving, etc. will be on it and it will have a chip imbedded in it to be able to track your every move, just like the passports already have. This is just one step closer to the "mark”. Do you think our economy was just poor loans restrictions and house in foreclosure was the result of bad loans?? Think again. I am a mortgage lender and I know the truth. Did you know that the loan documents state right on the Deed, assignment of rents. Did you know that NO ONE ever really OWNs their property; they are just renting it on a 99 year lease. Don't believe me, go look it up. It is public information. I fully expect Ron Paul to be assassinated because he is exposing the TRUTH and I pray for him every day. If you really understood why he wants our tops out of Iraq, you wouldn't question it. He has received more money then ANY other candidate from our Soldiers, Marines, Airmen, and Seamen. What does that tell you? They know what is really going on. Did you know that the name on you driver's license is no the real you? Ever heard on the straw man? The 2nd you, created by the Department of Commerce. Your name has been corrupted and changed to all caps, just like your corrupted birth certificate. Look and your driver's license, look at your bank statement, look at you credit cards, ALL in caps. When you were born, your ORIGINAL birth certificate was sent to the Dept. of Commerce and then the government and then they created a new birth certificate to create the 2nd you (straw man) and a bond was taken out in that corrupted all caps version and that is how you became a slave to the 1 million dollars a DAY interest that is added to the National Debt EVERY DAY!!!!!! People, wake up. Do your research!!!! Quit being sheep. Did you know that it is now law that ALL children in school must be evaluated for mental wellness? If your child and any child is found to be disruptive in class, it is NOW mandatory that they be DRUGGED!!!! These things were snuck in with the bill for money for Iraq. The Patriot Act was just a way to take away more of our rights. Now we have to be almost strip search and x-rayed every time we want to go on plane. Why did we let this happen? What kid has NEVER been disruptive at some point in time? That's why I love Ron Paul.   He is the ONLY candidate telling the truth. He wants to get rid of the Federal Reserve and the IRS and get our Constitution back!!!  If you want more information, send me an email

  8. If push ever comes to shove, yes, i think so...but its gonna take a lot of big mistakes for the people to realize that it needs to be of right now, they are doing a pretty good job of keeping us blinded to the truths, and until something major happens, or general discontent spreads into a deeper understanding of the nature of things, nothing will happen...

    unfortunately, by the time this spreads, it may be too late, but, here's hopin'

  9. Not at this point in time----Kat has given some background and it is farther along the road than people realize.------For people who are interested in plans for the future and past planning look into-----"The Report From Iron Mountain"

  10. We have been conditioned to be sheep . To many refuse to believe the truth when confronted with it. Im afraid that only a crisis to them selves will make them change.

  11. Kat does not know anything about money and banking.  She needs a course 101 on the subject.

  12. Apparently you missed the 60's!

  13. I agree with Kat entirely about the Federal Reserve. But to answer your question I think when it came down to it, we the people would have the gumption to stand up to our government. The only reason it hasn't already happened is in my opinion, the nation as a whole has become too apathetic or uneducated about what is really going on. As it stands now unless we make a change, something really bad is going to have to come to pass before any true unified effort would take place. Whatever happened to the government fearing it's people and not the other way around?

  14. Unity in action is the only way, but that takes a leader usually.

  15. What ? And not watch American Idol ???!! The masses in our

    country have been conditioned to believe what the mainstream media tells it, to not concern themselves with

    "politics", and to trust their government to act in the best interests of the citizenry. To mobilize enough people to stand

    up and be counted would be nigh onto impossible, as much as I hate to say it. As long as football and reality shows continue to be broadcast, the sheep will continue to graze.


  16. i'm a girl

  17. Kat is right.  The question is not so much, do we have the balls to stand up to the government, but do we have the ability to stand up to the people who are really running the show.

  18. vote 3rd party, if people wouldn't vote republican and Democrat we can get people to start making real progress in America

  19. id say balls exisist there for yes ,if lets say ron paul organized a 2 million man march or even 2 mill on washington would you turn a def eye ? what gets me is when bush got in office there should hv been such a public out cry.and why any one would hv voted for him after the debate with gore,tax cuts for rich does stupid start with us or them

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