
Do we think ourselves above nature when we disrespect other species?

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You've all heard the horror stories about how we treat other species of animals, especially in slaughterhouses. It's like humans think animals are simply produce. What does that say about us ethically? Do you think that arrogance could ever come back and bite us, or is the mass killing of inhumanely treated animals just going to continue?




  1. Evolution, plain and simple.  We have evolved (arguably) to be above all animals.  When was the last time a group of ferrets planned, created and built a multi-lane highway or laptop computer?

    It is coming back to bite us in the form of mad cow and other afflictions present due to factory farming.  Who knows what's next.

  2. I think we as humans do disrespect nature and think were above it. And for the religious people out there, Why would God make all of these beautiful diverse creatures just for humans to inhumanly kill them and make them suffer to their last! I think that could come back to haunt meat-eaters, I hope to God it doesn't continue. What is done to animals is no more humane than what happened to the slaves back when. But to some it is more humane because the slaves were people, but thats not the point. Animals deserve to live their lives just like the slaves did! And I think Phoenix is right all the things that are happening to the world could be karma!

  3. Well the mass killing is necessary in order to feed the masses. Frankly, I look down on vegetarianism as a stupid waste of time. Look at the animal kingdom. Lions eat gazelles do they not? We are a part of this chain, and you have to accept that we are omnivores.

  4. It IS a shame about all the animal habitat that has been taken from them by farmers to grow crops. Not to mention the chemicals used to grow such crops.

            I would think vegetable growers are reponsible for more wild animal deaths than any other reason....meat eaters kill and eat animals bred and grown for such a purpose.

           Farmers kill the native (wild) species. Pick your poison!

  5. Over 40,000,000 babies killed in th USA since 1973. And you're worried about animals?

  6. Well, the mass killing of these animals is destroying this planet.  It is the top contributor to greenhouse gases, world hunger and heart disease.  This is karma.

  7. i think that most of us think that we are above all other species because we are "smarter". but what is smarter? i mean, cheetahs can run faster, whales can communicate from extremely far distances underwater, beavers can construct sturdy dams... the list goes on. just because humans see ourselves as "most intellegient" doesn't mean anything. all creatures have been evolving on this planet, just like us. i'm sure that animals are doing things and communicating in ways we can't even dream of. we just think we are the best and we are taking advantage of everything on this planet and i think that it is going to come back and bite us. hard.

    i think people won't go vegan because they are ignorant and selfish, and this is going to result in serious consequences. it's scary. i hate to think what the world will be like in 500 years. humans are my least favorite animal, by far. they put other humans and other species through so much. i think it's because humans always strive to be better and above all others. it makes us feel important, and we need to feel important and powerful because inside we are so empty. and that emptiness is where religion comes from... and once certain religions were created, they set certain rules saying it's okay to consume animals and basically do anything we want to them because they are here for us. because we are the supreme earthlings. and then people are brainwashed in to all that c**p and are ignorant to other ideas. and then they say, "well god wouldn't of put them here and made them taste so good if we weren't suppose to eat them!"

    i could just babble all day long, but i won't.

    i just love your question.

  8. killing of animals being the top green house gas??? LOL get your facts right its cars

    did you ever hear of the word, apendex or top of the foodchain and yeah animals do produce, they eat sleep, take craps have s*x and have little ones

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