
Do we truely have freedeom in thinking or is all thought limited?

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Do we truely have freedeom in thinking or is all thought limited?




  1. What is true freedom if you can pinpoint the original point from where this "true freedom stems from?"  From a Biblical perspective, you may refer to "Word" or "the Word" as the original freedom of thinking.  I believe it goes something like, "In the beginning, there was Word, and God was (the) Word." And from that, all ideas exist.

    Thoughts aren't so much limited as much as they are limited by the  social, cultural, environmental, political, and temporal changes.  For example, a person from China in the 1800 will have a different way of thinking as opposed to an American of that time.  Throw in war, the economy, immigration, migration, political upheavals, and you'll have an idea how a person of that time may think.  Same goes here in the United States as of today.  We may exist on the same plane, but we each have somewhat similar and different notions of the same idea.  How we were raised, where we were raised, our peers, school, and work, each contribute to the way we think.

    So in short, our thoughts aren't so limited as much as we are limited by our milieu.  But just because we are limited by these frameworks doesn't mean we have to recycle these thinkings.  Just like we have only a limited number of music notes or alphabetical letters, but we're capable of creating a variety of music and words and sentences.  And from there, our thoughts and ideas are shaped and formed.

  2. Reality is restricted by thought....

  3. i believe we have unlimited thinking, the problem is that you cant share your thoughts with others because everyone has different veiws of life and they might not agree

  4. It's only limited by our own selves.

  5. Your thoughts are your own,anything you think in the realm of your mind is yours.but if you let them out there are consequences good or bad.

  6. You have the freedom to think what ever and as long as your mind can take.

  7. I know my thought isn't limited. But speech seems to be limited. from finding the correct word to being arrested for innocently saying "I want to kill the president".

    freedom of thought isn't a constitutional ammendment, but at the same time, it's nothing that any one is capable of takeing away.

  8. There are schools of thought that have empirically observed a predetermined capacity for learning and intelligence inherent in each individual.

    Brain mass, density and the ability to absorb, assimilate and process information and knowledge efficiently without over exertion and labouring of the brain is considered true intelligence.

    Imagination is the Spirit of the brain. Some are blessed with universal imagination, perception and awareness, others struggle to execute daily chores and tasks without ardent endeavour.

    All men therefore are not equal in the matter of intellectual performance or the capacity to imagine.

  9. I say limited, you can only think about concepts you are familiar with. Most of it is dictated by what's going on at the moment, or memory. I choose not to think (leave my mind blank) some of the time, and let my subconscious take over. My conscious mind doesn't seem to mind (sorry), and I'm quite capable of writing without it..

    I may be wrong, I'm new to this section, and am writing without conscious thought, which is creepy. It makes me think(?) that what I call 'thought' is a byproduct of my brain's computations, and can be suppressed.

  10. pure thought is never limited.   but because we ourselves are finite and limited our thinking or thought becomes limited

  11. i think thought is limited by your imagination, your intelligence, and what you have learned, so your memories/knowledge.

    but for potential i suppose it is limited by the size of your brain and your life span, but i think no humans ever completely use the potential their brain has for learning before they die. but there are things that are just too complex for human minds to understand. so our intelligence and our limited senses limit our ability to think and understand as well.

    if we had no sense we couldn't think at all. we have 5 if we had 10 we'd be able to think even better, same with increases in intelligence but that's more complex.

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