
Do we try to fill our 'empty' houses with what we feel we lack?

by  |  earlier

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This is sort of in reference to another question I've asked. I'm wondering if and how we try to fill our 'empty' houses with what we feel we lack?

With reference to this subject, have you noticed anything interesting about your own chart's 'empty' houses?

Also, do you think we respond to the 'emptiness' by whatever planet(s) aspects the cusp of the 'empty' house?




  1. I bet you have a lot of cats...

  2. I will have to think about this idea. Just the other day, I read that an empty house means this area of our life is not as vital to us as the houses which have planets. I'm not sure. I have an empty 7th house, and I can't seem to keep or find a lasting relationship. When I read that it was not as vital to me, I thought that kind of explained it. I can take or leave having a long term relationship. When I was younger, I thought that I needed to be married or at least in love to be happy.

  3. what would an empty 12th house mean?

    -Interesting question though-

  4. I have many empty houses - 3, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. I don't know whether it's bad or good, but I am definitely career oriented(10 house), worship knowledge and seek it everywhere (9) and I am open to communication and new people (3, 7). So I guess in some way I am trying to fill the houses :)

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