
Do wealth create pollution?

by  |  earlier

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am in a third word country and would like to find out if wealth courses pollution and if so to what extend. thanks in advance




  1. wealth can create pollution and it can prevent pollution it all depends on the public pressure that is placed on the corporation and what they do with there profits

  2. h**l no!  Pollution follows poor countries.  Look at the difference between Canada, France, UK, and the US compared to Viet Nam, China, India, and Bangladesh.

    There's more recycling in Capitalist countries, as there is a profit motive to find uses for trash.


  4. There is a confusion between 'wealth' & 'money'

    Poor countries cannot usually afford consume as much or to waste anything, it all gets recycled. Rich countries/people tend to want to flaunt their money through having the air con/heating up to high, driving bigger more polluting cars, eating more meat etc.

    Wealth is when humans and their supporting environment are valued, this would mean living in a society in which there was no waste or pollution.

    for best studies see Learning from Ladakh

  5. That's a good question. When the U.S. was developing, it polluted a lot more than it does today, just as China now pollutes more than it used to and more than it will when it's fully developed. Coal-fired plants pollute more than oil-fired and hydroelectric, much more than nuclear power. Ask the French if they think nuclear power is evil.

    So during their development they pollute more than they did before but eventually technology and public opinion rein that in and new solutions are developed. The third world gets to skip a few steps here and can plan carefully, adopting just the better parts of what other countries have done. There was  enough air pollution in London in the 1800s to blacken all the buildings and even the snow was often black and sooty before it reached the ground.

  6. depends on where u spend it.

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