
Do what i want or listen to my friends? ?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 18 and my friend say i should wait to have s*x with my boyfriend of 8 months. i don't see why i should but i have been holding out. i know there will be some people who will be like "you should wait til marriage." but i personally don't want to. you can say all you want but u wont get chosen for best answer. anyway what do you think?




  1. I say do what you want to do it is your life ...

  2. Your life your decision, You and you alone have to deal with any consequences that may happen from any decision you make. If your sure you are ready and don't feel pressured in anyway then, well I don't have to tell you what I think you should do. Just make sure you are fully ready for anything that may happen.

  3. If you feel its right in your life, do it. Just be safe unless your trying to have kids. I would say maybe gettting tested if he has been sexually active before. Other wise just try to be safe. I had s*x for the first time when I was 14. I dont regret it.  

  4. Do what you feel is right, this is a decision that you have to make all on your own. good luck and at least be safe

  5. I think you should do what you want. It is your body and your relationship. If you decide you want to be with him that way make sure you are safe. It is a huge decision that only you can make. Good luck on whatever you choose.

  6. i think you should just do whatever you feel like doing. your friends dont have control over your life and you shouldn't make decisions just to make them happy. if you want to have s*x with him because you love him and you feel like it's the right time, then do it. i was dating this guy for 10 months and we didn't have s*x but that was my choice, not anyone else's

  7. seems like you're sort of decided already. but if you have a minute i suggest you google up pros and cons of not waiting and waiting to have s*x before marriage.  you'll probably get a super long list to ponder upon. be open and think about how this will change you life coz no doubt it will. also think through your values and how you will handle the possible consequences- what will you do if you get pregnant, get a disease, how many men do you think it's okay to sleep with before you get married and also how will a sexual relationship affect what you have with your boyfriend and a breakup should it come to that

    personally though ithink you should wait, s*x is something special and once you embark on that road it may be hard to get off

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