
Do white people get privilege over others?

by Guest58141  |  earlier

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Do you think that as a white person growing up in America that you were born into a life that is easier to succeed in compared to that of a person of color? Do whites have it easy?




  1. yes sometimes

  2. men get privilege over others.

  3. Yes. This is called "White Privilege"  which is a sociological concept that describes advantages enjoyed by white persons beyond what is commonly experienced by the non-white people in those same social, political, and economic spaces (nation, community, workplace, income, etc.). It differs from racism or prejudice in that a person benefiting from white privilege does not necessarily hold racist beliefs or prejudices themselves. Often, the person benefiting is unaware of his or her privilege.

  4. Yes.  

  5. I think in some areas yes and some no


  6. I think as the political "American" answer would be no because we are suppose to be a melting pot and treat everyone as equals. But also as Americans we know that the answer for the majority is yes. I am an African American that grew up in a very "white" state. threw out my whole life i have had one African American friend. All the rest of my friends are white and a very few Hispanic. My family and myself have always been very respected and given a lot of opportunities and almost sought out for or to be like. So i think it all depends on the vibes you give out. I do admit occasionally little prejudice things come up but very Very few times. So to answer your question on a scale one to ten (one being no and ten being yes) i'd say a 5  

  7. yes!

  8. YES  

  9. To be honest, no I don't think so.  I was born to a poor family and am still fighting for my family to have a better life than I was raised in.  Just because I'm white, doesn't make me special.  I work just as hard as the rest and still have problems.  If being white made life easy, I need to know my real skin color.  And no, I don't believe that its easier to succeed.

    BTW, I am white and I live in an area where I am considered in the minority. Its hard for everyone that wasn't born with a silver spoon in their mouth.

    Edit: And for reference, my husband once applied for a job at Wal-mart here and he was told he probably wouldn't get hired because he wasn't black.  So all in all, I truly believe it depends on where you are living.

  10. duh yes they do

  11. Yes they do.

    Except if people think you're Jewish.

    Then old christian people don't like you as much as say your black best friend.

  12. The majority always make examples of themselves. It is not that it is easier for them to succeed, it's that they get recognition for it. Why would you assume that Bill Gates had it easier on his road to the top than Oprah Winfrey did? People should rely on themselves to succeed. This is not just in America, but the world over.


        Life is a full contact sport. There may be rules, but the competition is fierce. Success in any area that involves performance is not subject to any diversity program...only results.  Is it fair that there are no blind people currently playing in the NFL?  Would it improve the game if there were? How about all the people who did not "make" their favorite team? Is it because life is unfair, or because in order to be fair, people are all treated differently?

      It is not easy to succeed in life...if it were, we would all be as rich as Bill Gates, and as physically fit as your favorite athlete. Life is not fair, and believe it or not, or like it or not, not everyone agrees on a definition of "fair", or even if "fair" is a valid goal..

  13. I think you should ask colored people that. It isn't easier on whites but harsher on others because people are way more judgemental and there are prejudices and stereotypes.

    Example Giving a bad time to a mexican with borders allusions

  14. I believe that I have an easier life than most people of this world because I was born into middle class America. I think this is irrelevant to race. There may be a lower percentage of colored people in America who can call themselves middle class, and we could debate why that is, but for those who are middle class, I think race doesn't matter.

    When I was searching for college scholarships, I found dozens of scholarships worth thousands of dollars that I did not qualify for because I was a white male. I was disqualified for something based solely on my race and/or gender, tell me again how is that not discrimination?

  15. No I do not. I know that sounds shallow and ignorant, but I've never taken a walk in another race's shoes, so how would I know?

    I've grown up in a lower-middle class family, I've watched my parents struggle to raise our family. My dad was diagnosed with cancer, and couldn't work, severely crippling our income - there was never any easy way out.

    But I would like to know where the people saying 'yes' are getting their answers from? If you haven't taken a walk in my shoes, why should you have the right to assume? We work hard just like any other race.

  16. Sometimes. In some ways, white people are responsible for creating their own opportunities and "privileges." Sometimes, the world makes you feel guilty for being white though. Black, white, brown, or green, everyone has their problems.

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