
Do white van drivers deserve their bad image?

by  |  earlier

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I have a friend who took on the role of white van driver (for a week) and he was surprised at how unpleasant people were towards him.




  1. Yes

  2. No, only White Bronco drivers.

  3. Yes they do for the majority of van drivers are always in a hurry. Only today we were travelling upon the A55 in the 50mph limit in Colwyn Bay and almost all the cars were travelling within or slightly above the limit. However, we counted nine vans, mostly transits, that overtook everyone at speeds well in excess of 60mph. They were not driving badly but they do p**s people off.

  4. White van drivers are fine - the ones that get me are the Yaris drivers who drive their car like they are driving a white van.  They are in one of the smallest cars money can buy but when they get behind the wheel of their car they believe they are driving a tank - frightened to get through a space a double decker bus could sail through - they are the scurge of the roads.

  5. I don't know why but every time I see an 'unmarked' white van I think of criminals and dodgy dealings!.....:)

  6. Drivers of white vans are much-maligned.............AND RIGHTLY SO! The vast majority are some of the worst drivers it has been my misfortune to come across.

  7. well there's 2 types of white van man

    The maniac kind don't bother me too much

    it's the Sunday driver white van man that gets on my ****!

    They insist on driving at 40mph EVERYWHERE!!

    if the speed limits 60, they'll do 40

    and if the speed limits 30 they'll STILL do 40!

    Drives me ******* insane

  8. White? How about Asian? Or Black? or Latino ones? :)

    I guess you meant drivers of white vans, as opposed to white people driving vans, right? :P

    But seriously, I can't speak for everyone, but I myself have nothing against people driving white vans.

    The vehicles I can't stand are those big rigs and SUVs.

    It does seem that many people driving white vans tend to drive too slow and I often see them in the middle lane.

    And even before I begin having something against white vans, I have problems with people yakking away on their cell phones.

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