
Do w***e robots on yahoo games make it easier for child predators? and what should yahoos responsibility be?

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on yahoo games there are constant "postings" by robot programs saying things like "i met someone online once". Do constant postings like this make young girls feel more comfortable meeting people online. It seems the obvious answer is yes but the real issue is why yahoo (who @@@ out swear words) would continue to allow it. I also wonder why the is no anger over yahoos apparent refusal to deal with the problem given the epidemic of child predators online. Should yahoo perhaps be ashamed, or even perhaps guilty of crime, like of knowingly and willfully fostering an environment that is unsafe for children. I dont know but maybe. For further clarification just log on to yahoo games sometime, its sick and unfettered.




  1. I often wonder about Yahoo's priorities, myself.  Five years ago, I was attempting to write the description page for a mental illness support group and the s_x word was pertinent (as in, having difficulties with).  I was not permitted to use that word without listing it as an Adult group.  

    But the chat rooms, and not just the adult ones, were full of bots getting pretty down and dirty.  I blocked hundreds of them.  I wondered why this was allowed to continue when other very harmless things were looked upon by Yahoo as "dirty".

    But the dangers of the net are not just present at Yahoo.  All we can really do is educate our children very well on the dangers of the people on the other side of the screen.  

    I do feel that it would be nice if Yahoo put more effort into stopping the sexbots and less into getting so nit-picking with the average user.  

    Recently, a group for chronic pain which I have moderated for about 6 years was placed in the Adult category (where there is nothing but s_x groups) because some photos of a nude celebrity were uploaded.  They were not pornographic, but artistic.  And the age range in that group is 29-60 (all women), with most being over 40.  I had to delete the pictures and practically beg to be removed from the Adult listings.  But this was noted and acted upon within 48 hours of the upload.  I've never seen a bot, s_x or otherwise, taken care of that quickly!

    Yes, I believe Yahoo has some screwed up priorities, but I don't feel like we can hold them, or any other web site responsible for our children.  It's the net, and that's just the nature of the beast.

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