
Do wiccans worship a god?

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Do wiccans worship a god or do they worship satan? Do wiccans use only white majik or do they also use evil majik?




  1. they are pantheists and there is only one magic  

  2. they worship a god and a goddess, and there is no "white magick" and just because they spell it with a 'k' doesn't make it less stupid.

  3. Yes.

    There is but one magick.

  4. very right color to magik only the intent.

    and i as half pagan half wiccan believe in the horned father and mother nature gaia. religion is what u make of it, the christians took mithras and the horned father (which is much older than christianity) and labled them evil and called hem satan so more people would become christians.

  5. No, Wiccans do NOT worship 'satan'. Satan as devil is a purely *Christian* concept. Nothing to do with Wiccans. Nor is magic, necessarily.

    Wicca is a Pagan religion, and Wiccans connect to and worship the god and goddess, and sometimes other deities. They are Polytheists, as opposed to Monotheists, as found in the Abrahamic faiths.

    Not all Wiccans practise magic, not all Wiccans are also Witches. And not all Witches are Wiccans - Wicca is a RELIGION, whereas Witchcraft is a PRACTICE and involves people of ALL and ANY religion.

    'satan' has nothing to do with Wicca. The 'devil' is found ONLY in Christianity, you won't find it in Judaism either.

  6. *sigh* I hope you realize not even Satanists worship the Christian version of Satan. LaVeyan Satanists are actually atheistic. The only "devil worshipers" are ignorant, pissed-off Christians and Catholics.

    I'm pretty sure they worship a trinity of goddesses, though there's a very, very high likelihood that I'm wrong.


    Ah, my apologies to Wiccans then. Not a trinity of goddesses, not sure where I got that from xD

  7. As wicca is a religion outside of the judeo-christian one they cannot worship Satan as to them he doesn't exist. That's like say to an evil Hindu, you don't worship Brahman you must worship Queztalcoatl.

    There is no 'colour' to Magic(k) just like there is no 'colour' to any action or force, only the intent of the wielder.

  8. Wiccans generally worship a goddess and a god (the goddess considered the "first among equals").

    They do not believe in Satan or any evil deities.

    Some Wiccans are witches, but not all. Some witches are Wiccan, but not all. The Wiccan Rede states "An it harm none, do what ye will," so Wiccans believe it is very important not to use "magick" to do anything wrong.

  9. Yes we worship God and the Goddess,no we don't believe in Satan and for the last time there is only ONE type of magick, it is how YOU use the magick that makes it good or bad not the magick itself.

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