
Do wifi detectors like this one actually work?

by  |  earlier

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here's a link to the type I'm speaking of.... I'm debating on whether I should buy it or not...




  1. I always have found it humorous that people would spend money to know there MIGHT be a wifi signal available!  They already have a laptop which can view available networks so exactly what does this thing do? Let you see that MAYBE there is one?  You still end up turning on the laptop to see if there really is one you should/could connect into!

    In most cases the only wifi you should be using is yours, one at a hot spot which allows you to connect, one at school which you know exists, or one at work which you know exists!   So what does this seeker do?  Gets you into someplace to break the law!  Yes it is illegal to connect to wifi without the permission of the owner and if you know the owner don't you think you know where the signal is located!

    If you don't agree just do a quick search for "wifi theft"  I think it will help you know why this is a great waste of your money!

  2. They work fine, but it is very limited, and I don't really see the point

  3. They work but they don't really give you any good information.  It will tell you if there is wireless around but it won't tell you if the SSID is being broadcast, if it is encrypted or anything else.  While it may be a pain to open the laptop, it is the best way of determining whether or not there is real access around.

    Either that or get an iPod Touch or a PDA or some other wifi capable device that can report real information to you.

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