
Do witches ride brooms?

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Do witches ride brooms?




  1. These days they drive hyundais with "magic happens" stickers on the bumperbars.

  2. i think nowadays they've upgraded to vacuum cleaners

  3. Hi Celestiel Queen

    witches dont ride no brooms but they does used for spells like

    when  you want to run with a visitor turn the broom upside down and trow salt

    wiches can be any one young old male female

    and you wont noticed they have their ways of dress when they have their feast or tradition  

  4. I personally prefer V8's... Much faster and a lot more conventional.  

  5. I thought they rode vacuum cleaners..

    Chewbacca rides brooms though.

  6. Yeah, in fantasy stories they do and there's no such things as witches.

  7. The modern concept of witches might have them riding brooms. But if you look at old-style witches, nope. They were just considered evil and able to cast dark magics on innocent people.

    Modern Halloween:Yes

    Traditional Evil: No

  8. Only when we are drunk...

    However in all seriousness, i don't think many witches do in fact ride brooms except for certain occasions as another answerer said before me.Only that isn't witches its Wiccan.Not all wiccans are witches and not all witches are wiccan.But generally we use brooms,but not for flying.

  9. No.

    The broom is a traditional tool of witches, but it isn't to ride on--we use them to help cleanse an area of negativity, "sweeping" the bad stuff away.  (During the Burning Times, it was also a good way to disguise a staff.)  

    When witches fly, they do so astrally.  Only the spirit flies--the body remains behind.  I think the earliest Inquisitors were confused by the "astral" part, and assumed we had to have something carry us, and since the witch's broom is about the only tool big enough, they decided we must be flying on our brooms!

  10. They used to but nowadays it is regarded as old fashioned. Most of them changed to stylish Hoovers only traditionalist witches or those with little money to spend still use brooms.

    In view of the increasing air traffic many witches completely stopped riding household  items through the air.  

  11. i dont think so, but i heard you get them when you get married

    but my sister says they have modernized to vacuums, apparantly she knows one or something

  12. No. Though brooms are often used in spell crafting, such as sweeping a room to remove negitive energy, used as a symbol by your alter, used to determine things (like when a visitor is coming), and if course, used in the "Flying" ritual with witches ointment. (Oh, the witches flying upon those brooms, but this was an old, very dangerous, and sometimes poisonous ritual that got the witches very, very "high" (intoxicated).  

  13. No we don't, we never did...Brooms were a part of the fertility rites of Beltane a fire ritual, Witches used to annoit themselves with "flying oil" a hallucinative drug that is absorbed through the skin...During this ritual they would jump over the Beltane fires mounted on their brooms, to people who were affected by the drug, they appeared to fly....

    Then along comes The Church, who is in need of yet another scapegoat, as our religion was and still is a threat to them, and they once again concocted a swag of lies about Witches, their association with the Devil, the absolute nonsense that we fly on broomsticks to hold secret rituals with the Devil, the list goes on....

    Most of the Witches I know have a ritual broomstick which we use to sweep away negative energy before we open our circle and conduct a ritual...This sweeping away of negative energy can be traced back to the ancient Egyptians...

    In Light... )O(      

  14. During Quidege (dont know how to spell it)

    And at night, like during full moons.

  15. Only when we play Quiditch.

  16. Sometimes... but mostly that is a metaphor for astral projection.

  17. Depends on what we are celebrating.  Usually broom stick "riding" is reserved for marriage and fertility rites.  But don't be alarmed, we also dance naked under the full moon sing loudly and badly and enjoy a good chant now and then.

    But we dont fly, nor do we eat babies or worship the devil.  :D  Hope that helped.

  18. the very basis of witchcraft is to use what you've got on hand.

  19. The witches in year 2008, only use the broom to sweep the floor now. They usually drive a BMW or Merc!

    But having said that - is the battery is flat at least they have a "back -up"

  20. I've read that medieval witches straddled brooms in their rites and used hallucinogens that make them believe they're flying on them.

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