
Do wives tend to beat their husband down and break or guilt them into doing what they want?

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Here's the thing, I'm 41 years old, married 10 years. Every time my wife wants something I don't agree with or don't believe in, she beats (figuratively) on me about it, non-stop, until it blows up, and I'm told I don't care about her feelings. She keeps it up until I give in and each time a little piece of me dies. I've seen my mom do this to my dad, and grandmother do this to my grandfather, and my mother-in-law do it to my father-in-law. It just kills me, I would never nag her until she gives in on anything, and don't understand the need to do it to me. I'm not looking for a solution I'm just curious as to how many other's may feel manipulated by their spouse in such a way. Does it seem the guy always has to sacrifice his happiness and feelings in order to make his wife happy? I feel tired and broken.




  1. Being objective, your manly silences or blunt 'no's hurt her just as much as her womanly nags hurt you.  It just manipulation in different forms.

  2. my stepmom does it to my dad

  3. There is no reason for a woman to treat her man that way. I'm 26, and my husband of 10 years is 40. He is the head of my house and I'm glad of it! I'm a stay at home mom with 4 kids....if I'd like something, I ask....if he disagrees...he tells me and that's that. Women should learn more tact and respect! Seriously most women today make me sick. I wish you luck.

  4. Been there, done that, got the tee shirt (in spades).  You know, right, that it isn't about whatever they are after?  The person doesn't feel loved or in control unless you "prove it" by giving in.  I fixed it with my hat--I grabbed it and ran (after 14 years of the baloney).  Tried counseling but "there was nothing wrong in her life".    

  5. Does it seem the guy always has to sacrifice his happiness and feelings in order to make his wife happy?

    Answer: Yes

    Most women are self centered, selfish, manipulative & down right mean. They will make your life miserable until they get what they want. Logic & reason have no place in their lives. You have to decide if she's worth it. Does she "give" as well as "take"? Are you going to end up an empty shell of a man in a few more years?

    Unfortunately women don't understand the old saying "you get more bees with honey then with vinegar". Women tend to go right to the "vinegar" (complain, moan, wine, nag & then complain some more). It doesn't occur to them to try saying "driving a brand new car really makes me horny". Now there's an incentive to get her a car!!

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