Here's the thing, I'm 41 years old, married 10 years. Every time my wife wants something I don't agree with or don't believe in, she beats (figuratively) on me about it, non-stop, until it blows up, and I'm told I don't care about her feelings. She keeps it up until I give in and each time a little piece of me dies. I've seen my mom do this to my dad, and grandmother do this to my grandfather, and my mother-in-law do it to my father-in-law. It just kills me, I would never nag her until she gives in on anything, and don't understand the need to do it to me. I'm not looking for a solution I'm just curious as to how many other's may feel manipulated by their spouse in such a way. Does it seem the guy always has to sacrifice his happiness and feelings in order to make his wife happy? I feel tired and broken.