
Do women's magazines like Cosmopolitan actually make women feel bad about themselves?

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as the portrayed beauty ideal in the magazine is difficult to match for most of the women




  1. well, not really. It gives me a boost because when I get older soo i look up 2 them as romodels.

  2. I think it does damage a lot of women and girls, making them strive for an unachievable goal.  Aside from being sickly skinny, those models don't look like that in person.  They're made up, and then the photos are airbrushed to remove any imperfections.  Lighting removes shadows from their faces, they're posed in ways a normal person wouldn't sit or stand...ever go to Glamour Shots?  I looked like a movie star, and I was a fat middle aged woman!  I didn't look that good at 17!

    In addition, that magazine and many others promotes a lifestyle many consider immoral.  I read Cosmo as a young woman, but today I see it in a whole new light.

  3. well most of the time girls who don't resemble those women fell bad about their body, so many times they become anirexic

  4. I haven't missed a single issue of Cosmo in 4 does nothing to my self esteem..

    If things like that are going to affect how you feel about yourself then the problem is already there and anything can and will make you feel bad about yourself...its not a magazine that is to blame

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