
Do women Need 24/7 attention in marriage/relationships?

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I asked before what keeps a married woman happy and all I could see was I need attention. I was shocked lol. Attention then love then money lol. Me personally I say there is not enough hours in the day to cater like that. Especially me with me working on cars and working out and stuff. The best I can do is a card lol.

So why is attention important to a woman? I know one guy who is going out with an attention lover and it got annoying to me. I felt like telling her to quit complaining and people have lives and she will get her attention here and there but not every single hour lol. I would have went insane if I dated her lol. I have even seen her pout and throw fits like a young child. Why do some lack the self esteem?

Do women really question themselves about the attention that much?

10points 4 best answer.

the whey to life is whey mixed with water.




  1. 24/7?  Heck, I'd take a date night once a month.  We are both busy people and certainly don't spend all the hours of the day on each other.  Of course, it is nice to know that when I'm talking to him he's listening, but then again, I have to know when to talk to him.  For example, there is no point trying to talk to him about something if the baseball game is on.  I trust him, so I don't need to know where he is all the time or who he's with.

  2. They wan t*t but they don't need it.If you  give it she will own you

  3. not really...

    if your woman is broad minded..

    she will understand you...

    just stay & let her feel that you love her,

    the way you know how to let it happen..

    but sad to say, some woman dont' know

    how to appreciate simple things that her partner can only give...

  4. haa yur funny:D

    but anywayss, yes attention is important Especially if you dont spend that much time together.

    ya gotta keep her convinced she's still yours and nothings changed.

    but yeh too much attention is definitely annoying

    that sounds needy...

    but yeh, if youre not SHOWiNG the girl shes still important,

    her mind will wander and think the worst.

    hope i helpedd ;)

  5. maybe cuz she lovesss u and want you 24/7 idk?

  6. i found that when i am in an insecure relationship... i need attention 24-7.

    the first guy i dated i didn't care that much about being around him ALL THE TIME. plus my mom didn't aprove of it so it was hard for us to hang out in the first place

    but my second boyfriend. i needed around me 24-7 and i was always trying to get him to tell him how he feels about me and stuff, and i thought i was naggy and annoying, but he cheated on me... alot.. andi kept on taking him back. and i just wanted him to be closer and closer cuz i thougth that would keep him with me, but the closer i pulled him the father he got.

    my last boyfriend the same exact thing happened. i was so afraid he would cheat or hurt me that i kept pulling him closer and closer, which in return made him go further and futher. the more insecure i am in a relationship the more needy i am! because i'm afraid there gonna leave me.

    now, the guy i am with... i am not nearly as needy! i love being around him and he loves being around me, but if for some reason our plans dont mix, than we do other things and neither of our feelings are hurt. we have a really healthy relationship. i've only been with him 3 months but i have not had any reasons to jealous or afraid of him cheating, even though i've delt with it in the past and its usually in the back of my mind, he has been so sure to make me feel secure and like he would never do something like that that i ahven't worried about it. he constantly does little things jsut to make me happy and i know that he loves me.

    if you are treating your wife like you love her, and constatnly showing her and telling her... she wont have any reason to worry and feel insecure and need your attention.. she shoudln't have to ask for it you should just give it to her.. expecially when its more needed than other times...

    like if she is pmsing, or upset about something, or just really lovey.. you should be there for her. tell her how beautiful she is and make it a point to make her feel special.

    if your giving her enough attention she wont seem as needy, and both of you will be happy..

    just dont get upset when she asks for it. girls will be girls, and girls need attention.

    so far in this new relationship there has only been one time where i said... please dont hang up the phone, i feel really needy and i just need someone to talk to.. and he stayed on th ephone with me for hours... and next time i saw him he gave me a full back massage, because he knew i was having a hard time.

    just be aware of your wifes feelings and you should be fine!  

  7. Not all women need constant attention..    You should be a little in tune with them if you are their life partner..  I mean, what good is being married if you don't communicate? Best way to stop a constant ****** is to get to the source of the nagging and fix it. My GF was nagging me about not doing chores, so I started helping out with them..  no more nagging. Ta da!  No it's not magic, but communicating in a mature, unoffensive way.

  8. I don't think all women need attention 24/7. Although some do and I'm sure some guys do as well.

    I actually wish that my husband would let me pay attention to HIM more. He is a very strong man and sometimes I feel like I could do more to support him but, he won't let me.

    The whole throwing fits and pouting thing you are talking about with women only happens with immature ones. I did that back when I was a teenager in love.

    After you have been married for quite a few years, then you realize all that stuff is completely ridiculous and a huge waste of time. Most of the time you don't even need to show a physical reaction to something because your spouse already knows what you are thinking and feeling. At least I find that with my husband. Sometimes I swear he knows me better than I do.

    The whole connected at the hip thing is also immaturity. Again, when you are with someone for a long time then you realize that you can enjoy way different hobbies away from one another. Everyone needs some time apart, and if they think they don't then they are disillusioning themselves. Like that old saying: "Absence makes the heart grow fonder." It has a lot of truth in it!

  9. I hate someone around me all the time...I need space.  The ones that need attention like that are insecure, they feel that the guy  needs to be around all the time to prove they love them...I say find a hobby.  

  10. It all depends on the woman. The one you described will be alone for a long time. I would not have put up with a grown woman whinning and throwing temper tantrums. My husband  and I work opposite shitfs. We have our own interests and sometimes do our own thing. When we are together both of us would like attention from each other and that is what we get. We are both secure in our relationship and with each other and do not need constant attention.  

  11. Not 24/7 but some of the time would be good.

  12. No, I don't think we "all" need attention 24/7 and I don't have negative comments for you. You feel the way you do for a reason.......She's a spoiled BRAT!!!!! Anyone who has been in a marriage even for a short time, realizes that life goes on after the ceremony. Maybe you should try to sit down and explain how you feel. I know ur a guy and all, but you can do it. If u find this is making things worse or you've already tried this.....what about her mom? Are you close enough to her family or is her mom the same way and doesn't see anything wrong with her? Maybe a mutual friend who can talk to her without sounding judgmental or offensive.

    It sounds like she just always has to be "in control."

    A lot of the time we just want a man who will at least try to sit down and really listen. She may feel like you don't truly listen to her, so she's demanding all ur attention. Listening does not mean one ear towards her and one towards the tv. Communication!!!! You gotta have it or you'll never survive!!!!

  13. Only needy/clingy women beg for attention like that.

    Stop being an idiot and think all women are the same.  

  14. dude u shouldnt have bothered asking this question lol OF COURSE they do . they  wont admit it but they will ***** if u dont  

  15. As you don't need 24/7 attention - we don't need it either.

  16. I must be the exception to the rule.  I love being home on my own.  I have different interests to him. If I go out it is usually with family or friends. If we do both go out it is usually with a group of friends.   Sometimes I get annoyed when he keeps on calling me when I am home by myself.Or when he calls me when I am shopping as it always seems to be when I am paying at the register with the sales assistant waiting for me to pay and a huge line of customers behind me.  If I don't answer he just continually calls again and again to annoy me and everyone else in the store.

      I love your card idea though!  I would just tell him to slip it under the door and I will read it later!  

    You have made me wonder if maybe I should be looking for more attention.  Do you think I should try and get him to spend every spare minute with me?

    EDIT:  Umm, one week a month is a lot!  You sure it has to be a whole week?  What about just an hour or two?

  17. attention?!??

    SERIOUSLY?? lol

    eep pls dnt categorise all females as attentions seekers or anyfin. some r some rnt. jus lyk some guys r overprotective, some rnt.

    i think that people who need that much attention r either rele rele needy or insecure becos they think if ther not wit him he culd b cheating on them or something? i rele dont know

    personally i dnt lyk too much attention. i need my own personal space.

    i broke up wit one of my boyfriends becos he was too needy, i know that might sound a bit harsh but i dnt lyk feeling confined/pressured/smothered

    yeeeeee sorry cnt help much wit this

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