
Do women actuall try earn respect or demand respect by virtue of their gender in todays world?

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Chivalry is based on respect for the other gender and it dubbed as sexist today.




  1. Many radical feminists demand... rather expect respect by virtue of their existence.

    My apologies in advance to community members for my expression of free thought.

    N.B.: The opinions presented above represent those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Bristol-Myers Squibb or its affiliate companies. None of the presented statement should bre misconstrued as constituting a physician-patient relationship nor an attorney-client relationship.

    Moreover, the author wishes to issue his apologies for any offense or lack thereof to any members of the community in advance. Any spelling/syntactical errors are purely the result of human error and I apologize in advance for any offense this may cause the members of this community.

  2. Women think because they are women they should be GIVEN respect. This is so far from the truth. I know your human beings your are person, but how do i know if your a s**t, prostitute, wh**re, etc. It goes both way. You don't know if  a guy is pedophile, womanizer, abuser, etc. Respect is earned, some people just don't comprehend this!

  3. women and men both should EARN respect

    respect will never happen if it is demanded

    fear happens

    that why so many people are abused

    the fear not the respect

  4. I don't demand anything, I've worked for everything i have, including respect.

  5. Most women think that they deserve special respect because of their gender.

  6. I'm not really bothered with whether people respect me or not. If they don't, then I simply do not associate with them.

  7. I speak for myself that I earn respect, by respecting myself first. If a man acts in a chivalry manner,he probably thinks I am a woman in high pedestal and I won't question that....

  8. No, chivalry is not based on respect for the other gender. It's based on presuming the other gender is weak and incapable.

    Respect is given to individuals, not whole groups of people. It's also earned by individuals, and not demanded on behalf of a group.

  9. I won't presume to speak for all women...just myself.  

    I still live by the idea that respect must be earned...not granted freely.  And I can assure you that any chivalrous man - if it is genuine - receives great respect from me.  I hope that I inspire the chivalry, and return in kind...

  10. Once again women don't deman anything from men. Some may but why do you insist on judging us as a whole?  What women want is you to realize we are just as much individuals as you are and you would not want us to say all men demand s*x because they are men? Right?  Afterall if we judged you on your worst examples you wouldn't fair to well. Maybe you should ask Why do some women.... As not all of us are as stupid as some of both men and women are.

  11. i say that people should be treated with respect until such a time as they that they are not worthy of your trust. Chivalry does not that a man considers a woman weak or inferior to him. only that he holds her in high esteem.

  12. I really think that women just go about their business, hoping to earn respect along the way.  They are attending school and  working hard at many legal occupations, some of which were off-limits decades ago.  And they do these things despite the small, narrow-minded attitudes of some men and women.

    But I think most women know the difference between chivalry and chauvinism, better still courtesy and bad form, the latter of which the vast majority of men detest as well.

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