
Do women actually care about a man's character?

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You have to wonder, when you see so many women intentionally dating men who are abusive, unfaithful, and just plain unethical in general.

A lot of women also think that men with good character are boring. Does that mean that men who lack character are exciting?




  1. Yes.  When I was first dating my husband, (He had just moved to town and we were at his apartment) I remember being impressed by two things on his kitchen table- his voter registration card, and a donor card from the blood center.

  2. When it comes to attraction, we're still using a prehistoric mind. Men are attracted to fertile, young-looking women, and women are attracted to the jerk caveman who can secure more meat after a hunt.

    Not all women of course, just the ones that are constantly complaining about what jerks men are.

  3. You can be a nice guy, but still be exciting and interesting. I think this is what most women want, but when we're young, we don't really know what to look for, so we end up going for the exciting rebel types and hope that they'll also be nice.

  4. Women who consistently choose men who are abusive were probably abused earlier in life. This isn't all women.

    I value a man's character more than anything, and I also love interesting men; those traits aren't always mutually exclusive. I would go for a man with good character who is also fun and interesting to be around. Fancy that!

  5. I for one care about a mans character, to me, a man should be hard working, and be willing to support 100% the female that he chooses.  Men should not cheat on women, it is wrong, but by the same token, I believe a woman should serve the man that she is with, that is if he is a true man, if he is not a true man, then she should loose him, rather quickly.

  6. You have to keep in mind that many abusive relationships don't immediately start off that way. If they did then I highly doubt any woman(or man) would choose to be in one. If you've ever seen the movie Enough with Jennifer Lopez, I think this is a good example of this. The guy swept her off her feet. They dated, he was handsome, charming, intelligent and he treated her very well but soon after they got married he became abusive and controlling. It's a classic case of finding out the person you love really isn't who you thought they were.

    I think most PEOPLE in general look for someone of good character. No one wants to settle down and spend the rest of their life with someone who is unfaithful, abusive or unethical.

  7. There are as many men dating women who have no character as there are women dating men who have no character.  In other words, people in general are kind of retarded when it comes to love.  They often let lust guide their romantic decisions and that sh*t just doesn't work.

  8. You gotta understand that women have insecurity issues, a LOT of us do... What do you think all those models in magazines tell us? You are TOTALLY not pretty enough! They are just fake and computer generated...

    Women who are insecure, not ignorant date guys like that. Personally I enjoy being bossed around (jokeingly) every once in a while and I like my guy just to be a lazy guy sometimes, it feels natural, and when they are nice ALL the time it feels too perfect...

    I care about character! I know that even tho my bf is an A** sometime he'd be there for me no matter what and has already been... Don't loose hope there are girls out there that DO care, there are also a LARGE number of insecure girls. Find a woman w/ a good character and she will care about yours!

  9. Yes, they do.  Those woman who date such losers are usually ignorant.

  10. YES! No I think whatever women you know that are like this are sad and should seek therapy.  Two to one there are no real women this is based on.  Typically this is what jack nuts say mistaking that they have good character.

  11. No.

  12. it's mostly young women who date abusers, because they believe in love. love is a great feeling, but it is just a feeling.

    i am 29 and i'm looking for the father of my children. *all* i care about is character. that -- and housekeeping skills. if i'm 7 months pregnant -- will he help me pick stuff up off the floor or will he throw down his own stuff on the floor and yell at me for being lazy and not cleaning up enough? that's all i care about right now. someone who is more fun to be around than to be alone, and someone who will be a good father to children.

    if i was dating for fun, i'd date some computer geek who played games all day, collected swords, watched anime, that sort of thing. But such types are not the best to start a family with -- they tend to ignore a crying hungry baby when their world of warcraft guild is doing a raid.

    i think young women and older women date different men for different reason.

    they did a study on this -- for a fling women take men who prefer testosterone-guys -- guys with square jaws. but for a father they pick softer features -- guys with less testosterone.

    i have to say that young women fall "in love" with abusers. but when they get older -- if the said abuser did not give them a baby that is -- they find a nice guy to settle down with.

  13. Real women want a real man. A gentleman. And I don't mean someone who holds open doors and pulls out chairs, although that is nice, of course! I mean a man of honesty, integrity, intelligence, good conversation, able to hold down a steady job. Some women also like their man to be competent at traditional "manly" skills such as fixing cars or DIY, or perhaps huntin' shootin' and fishin'! Of course, if he's *HOT* that really helps too! But don't despair, everyone has a different idea of what's *HOT* - not every woman finds George Clooney and Brad Pitt irresistible!

    Women may be attracted to the "bad boys" for a few dates, but the settle down with and marry the good guys.

  14. Character is of utmost importance

    Men who lack moral fiber are off kilter

  15. WHICH women?

    Why do people keep posting these "Of course, all womena re identical to each other in every way...." posts?

    Most women don't intentionally date abusive men, in fact, hardly any INTENTIONALLY do so -- the men don't wear "I'm abusive" placards.

    Ditto with unfaithful or just plain unethical.

    Interesting how your question is about WOMEN who DATE such men, not "Why are men immoral, abusive, and unfaithful." So there's nothing wrong with the men who ARE this way; but everything wrong with the women who date them.

    Blame women much?

    No woman goes into a relationship HOPING the guy is going to beat the cr*p out of her or cheat on her.

    Wishful thinking in romantic relationships is not something ONLY women do, either.

    That a lot of women think men of good character are boring is a myth. Just because a lot of idiots keep saying it, doesn't make it true; it just makes them idiots. Very few women are attracted to men who are cads or unethical. (Usually girls are the ones attracted to such guys; then they grow up.)

  16. Not necessarily.  I truly believe these women you speak of have emotional and psychological issues that attract them to these types of men and then allow them to stay with them.  I believe the average woman (and man) can tell when someone is a creep, even if they have no proof.

  17. Hahaha...

    You are talking about some girls, most certainly not mature women.  The girls grow up, see what timewasters these guys are and subsequently divorce/dump them.

  18. Women in general, (not all, but MOST) tend to only care about rich or powerful men. If they are still looking for those qualities, they tend to seek someone who makes them feel "special" . Once they find that feel special someone, they return off and on through life for that special feeling, even after they find the $/power man to marry. Character has little to do with it, morals are slim and fading at best.

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