
Do women actually like ann coulter?

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Because to me like if the word b**ch ever came to mind and I wanted to call a woman that id then think she not as bad as ann coulter




  1. Only women who think like Ann Coulter, like Ann Coulter.

  2. no way

  3. You mean the ugly woman that looks like a horse? No we don't like her.

  4. no, that woman is a c-u-next-tuesday. ever since her little comment about 9/11 widows, I'm sure many people would love to see her mauled.  

  5. I used to not mind her until she said that the Jews were just imperfect Christians.

  6. yes love the girl ..

  7. I can't stand her or anything she has to say. It's amazing how someone can get famous for being a total B, but I guess that's how Dr. Laura got famous too, huh?


    That woman is an affront to all people everywhere, especially women. I never usually say things like this but if anyone is going to burn in h**l it will certainly be Ms. Coulter.

  9. No.  Why does she think anyone cares what she thinks?

  10. No, she turns my stomach.

  11. NO

  12. Supposedly the conservative women love her. I don't know what I dislike about her more, her use of sexism racism and homophobia to gain attention to herself; her hypocrisy of dismissing and disparaging women as though she is not a woman herself; or her misuse and abuse of supposedly religious views to excuse her hateful behavior.    

  13. Conservative women like her.

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