
Do women actually think Michael Phelps is hot? Why say he's the best?

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He looks like Lurch to me. Lurch from the Adams Family. Also, he is just a swimmer so saying he's the "best" is quite the overstatement. The olympics is much more than swimming!




  1. He's not "pretty", but yeah ... I do think he's hot!

    "Just a swimmer" ... well, that's like saying LeBron James is "just a basketball player" or  ...  insert whatever competitor/event combination you like.

    Each competitor plays one game and plays it well.  Phelps is at the very top of the game he plays, and no one else has been more successful at it.

  2. He is he.

  3. he is a very nice and modest person. as for saying he is the best olympian, he is the best male olympian swimmer for now.

  4. gold diggers they are

    bre you're mean its not hard to watch the tv and have s*x at the same time.

  5. Physically No.  But he seems to have a nice personality so that would make him hot to me.  I'd do em.  

  6. Why say he is the best? Because he is. 8 out of 8 Gold medals. I think that speaks volumes. He now holds the record. I think he was awesome. And for his appearance... I don't think he is Hot, but I wouldn't call him ugly either.  

  7. Well I am a woman and no I don't think he is hot one bit. A good swimmer yes, and that is where it ends.

  8. Looks are not everything in life. In fact in the end, they are very little and very superficial. Michael Phelps has something that will stand him in good stead all his life - personality, focus that goes beyond his sport, respect for his fellow sportsmen and his Mother and sisters. And he is living proof that you can be dealt a not great hand (his father abandoned them apparently) and still be a good, decent person.

    Your question sounds small minded and jealous as do some of the answers here. If you are American, be proud you have such a person in you midst. I'm not but I am glad that we in Canada have people like Michael among our neighbours to the south.

  9. Well he does suffer from ADHD!!!

    Come on show a bit more respect to him!!!

  10. In terms of hotness, it's gotta be Ryan Lochte.

  11. oh i love michael phelps. his body...yummy. theres a few facial expressions he does thats unattractive but other than that. Day-um! i got his autograph after Athens and it hangs right about my bed.  

  12. I do.  But of course I have a think for strong chests and backs.

    And the fact that he went to Michigan (huge fan) just makes him even better.

    My boyfriend hates his guts, I think it's because I told him no to s*x because Michael Phelps was coming on in a few minutes and I wanted to watch.

  13. I think people think of "hot" as being "perfect" which in my opinion is wrong. He is a decent looking guy, sure he is not perfect, but that's kinda what makes him so handsome! People don't have to have the perfect teeth, ears and nose to be good looking, and his face is unique and therefore really nice! Speaking of the rest of his body - wow! Plus he also has a really cool and kind personality to match his looks! He is soo modest and sweet!!  =)

  14. I do not think he's hot.  He's very fit, but I can't get past the face.

  15. Well, first, he does have a stunning physique, broad shoulders, slim hips, amazing torso, and well-musced arms included.  And I do think his face is attractive.  He should look into braces, but other than that, he is appealing to me.  I think one of the reasons is because he seems to have a likeable, humble personality, which improves anyone's aura.  At least he doesn't appear to be a pompous jackass, like the majority of successful athletes I personally know.  And he loves and respects his mom (haven't you heard the old wives tale that an indication of how a man will treat his wife can be seen in how he treats his mother lol?)  And he's the best because he has won more olympic medals than anyone!  Silly!  Looks are not everything, although I don't find him entirely lacking.  

  16. He is the most successful Olympian, but only because he's fortunate that swimming has so many separate events to win golds from, and that the US has a great team.  I don't find him to be the best athlete ever.  I wonder what his 100M sprint is.

    Oh and I remember he came in 3rd in Athens, losing out to Ian Thorpe (one of the best swimmers ever) and Hoogenband.

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