
Do women age faser than men?

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I was just thinking about this for a bit. A man who is older...lets say 45 or even 50 may still be looked upon as "young". For example, Johnny Depp, Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt etc. But women that age are said to be old. I have also noticed that women tend to develop wrinkles at an earlier age than men do?

Is it true that men age better than women?




  1. No, women are just expected to look 20 forever. Time is the same for everyone, it's only the perception and judgements that differ.

  2. I dont think they age faster, but i think in general men tend to age better. guys like Clooney n the such, have some wrinkles, gray hair...but it looks good, rugged n s**y. whereas women dont look good like that. we dont look good with the rugged look, but some women look awesome in their 40 n up!

    its also individual...women who sunbathe a lot tend to wrinkle early, like late 20s, early 30s. i think more women then men fry in the sun. whereas some women (eg Asian cultures) are white n keep their skin protected, n look better at an older age.

  3. well i am in england and this is helen mirren at 62. these photos have been in our papers and everyone is raving about her

  4. Of course not, that's sexist claptrap.  If it were true women would die sooner than men - but the reverse is true.

    We are all living longer, healthier lives.  We know how to eat, how to take care of our bodies.  We know to stay out of the sun as it causes premature aging -  as does smoking.  We have skincare products that didn't use to exist on our grocery-store shelves.  We can have skincare treatments done professionally at our local salon.  We can even get ourselves "Botoxed".  Madonna is 50, and she's just one example of still "hot" mature women.  Christie Brinkley is another great example.  How about Cher?  Or Joy Behar: she's 64.  There are many, many more examples.

    @Snufkin: "gruelling hours in the gym" it says -  and you can sure tell!  That's the first thing I thought of when I looked at the photo, even before reading that line.

  5. It depends on a number of factors. Some women age faster than others due to their ethnicity, sun exposure, lifestyle choices, and genetics. I'm in my late 40s and I don't have any wrinkles. I do have some creases in my face that weren't there when I was younger.

    Men do age just as fast. The difference is that they are more likely to develop deep lines on their faces, especially on their foreheads and on the sides of their noses. I would not mistake any of the men you listed as looking young even though they look pretty good for their ages. I'm sure they've had help with cosmetic surgery but then again, that's almost expected for those who are constantly seen in magazines and the movies.

  6. We always hear this kind of stuff...that men age better than women...but I just don't know.  The fellows you mention still look pretty good, but their female counterparts probably look good, as well.  Here's what I have seen...based on the old High School Reunion...!

    5 - 10 year reunions -- everybody looks about the same as in high school.

    15 - 20 year reunions -- folks are at their "peak" as far as looking good!  Some of the ugly ducklings have turned into swans -- mostly due to plastic surgery or massive weight loss!  But a few have "peaked" naturally.

    25 - 30 year reunion -- a few of the guys have really gotten distinguished looking; most are going to pot!  Most of the ladies look pretty good!  

    35 - 40 year reunion -- still a few distinguished looking fellows.  (They must have really distinguished-looking genes!)  The ladies look about the same as 10 years ago.

    Here's what I think.  A few fellows REALLY age well.  But most don't.  Women fight aging a little harder, and it pays off.

    But what the heck...age is just a number!

    My 50th Reunion is in 2016.  I'll keep you posted on how good we all look at that time!

    P.S.  How come everybody else looks older, when I look just like I did in high school!?!

  7. I think excess cosmetics can damage the skin and cause it to age faster. Also chemicals and pollutants have a role in this.

  8. Actually, everyone ages at exactly the same rate. One day at a time.

    However, a million dollar 'beauty' industry has been founded on the notion that for some reason it is more 'beautiful' for women of all ages to look like teenage girls.

    Some people, men and women, do appear younger for longer, but whether that is 'better' or not, only those who find the individual appearance can answer.

    For myself, I prefer a more matuire appearance including natural  lines and wrinkles because to me it is interesting and shows the life of a person.

    Others don't find this so attractive.

    The indoctrination of advertising and media has permeated our culture to such an extent that anyone who thinks older people are attractive is considered 'weird', but why do they do this?

    Simply to sell more products to people who feel they could be more 'attractive' with $100 of goop on their face than without it.

    And I have noticed men are increasingly being sucked into it, too. Soon we will all feel anxious and negative about our natural selves and need lots of expensive product to feel 'good' and 'young', even if we are 100 years old.

    The fact is, everyone ages, and whether you do it with grace, dignity and beauty is largely up to yourself. If you are an unlovely person, NO amount of makeup will help, and it won't much matter if you are male or female. It is what is inside that REALLY counts.

    Cheers :-)

  9. Yes. Surprising, in that they usually don't accomplish or exert as much- explaining why they ultimately live longer.

    However at the same time, women are valued more for the sexuality, and sexuality is a virtue primed in youth. Men however, are valued for their wisdom, guile, intelligence-- all attributes usually attributed with age.  

  10. It sure looks that way...

  11. This answer applies only to the integumentary system.

    Yes, men have skin that is slightly oilier than women. They also have different levels of the components that go into the production and matinence of skin. Women often look older than men of the same age.

    Registered Nurse

  12. I think it's more that women try to exploit and capitalize on their youth and sexuality ,so when they reach their "sell by date" it's more traumatic for them.

    Men don't use their youth and sexuality as a tool so it means less as the odometer ticks by.

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