
Do women appreciate how difficult it is for men to get s*x?

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Do women have an appreciation (for lack of a better word) for how difficult it is for men to get s*x? Women sometimes complain about men being players or about how men get praised for achieving a high number of s*x partners. But don't women realize how much of an achievement it actually is for a man to get laid, and especially for a young man to lose his virginity? Women are constantly turning down men's advances, whether it's due to lack of interest or not being in the mood or "having a headache" or not being "ready" or for whatever reason. Women make it very hard on men (no pun intended).




  1. Well you are young I'm assuming, so your still inexperienced and have little clue what your doing when it comes to the dating game.. that's not Women's fault!

    That's purely a lack of experience and knowledge about women...

    Don't blame us because you can't find a girl; yes certain women may have unreasonable standards but 9 times out of 10 your doing something wrong too.

    If we all just slept with men whom we didn't like, didn't get along with and didn't love then we'd all be wh*res..


    Don't be a hypocrite!

    Men always say easy women are sl*ts and s****s but then we actually don't give ourselves up, then were prudes and frigid b*tches, the double standards are ridiculous, make up your mind!

  2. Yes!  I totally agree with you.  My last gf used to tease me about how quickly I would end up in another relationship if we ever broke up (which we did), and she was already s******g some guy before we separated, and I've never even been in another relationship since her, let alone slept with someone.

    I want to make it clear, too, that when I answer this I'm only talking about s*x in a relationship (i.e. s*x with someone with whom you are in a relationship with).  Its like, some of us guys totally sacrifice ourselves for that one special woman, and we do everything to show how much of a decent guy we really are.  And after spending all that time, we finally get the guts to ask her out and BAM!  down we go, because she says no.

    There's so much d**n talk out there about how there's no good men in this world, and some of us really bust our @$$ to prove that we really are good guys.  But in the end it never makes any difference, because women always go for the b*****d that never makes them happy, the soulless pile of rotten meat that just wants to sleep with them, the slimy moron who drools sweet nothings and who lies through the decaying enamel of his blackened teeth.  "Oh, he's so interesting!" they say.  Oh yeah?  Wanna know something else about him?  He's LYING to you so he can get you in bed with him!

  3. Yes, it's my favourite sob story of the decade.

  4. No, I don't care... Do men realize that if a woman had s*x with a man just like that, she would be considered a w***e? Oh yeah, here's the real reason why we don't do it: Have you heard of pregnancy? Find a prostitute seriously if it means that much...

  5. I agree...I could walk out of my front door right now and find at least 5 willing partners.  Women sometimes set unattainable expectations for the men they are willing to sleep with.  In a marriage or relationship it can be even more difficult for men to get the gratification they need.  I think a mans need for s*x is almost as strong as the physical need to   breathe...why must we suffocate the poor men  and then laugh as they gasp for air.

  6. we did....until craiglist hookers came along....

  7. When one studies the statistics of out of wedlock pregancies, the abortion rates, STD's, and the hundreds of thousands of girls who don't know who the baby daddy is, I'd say men aren't having a difficult time.

  8. In my opinion, women and men fulfill different roles in the reproductive cycle.

    Women are disposed to the selection of a suitable mate to ensure the best possible offspring. That is women are responsible for the quality of the species.

    Men on the other hand have to ensure that the species does not become extinct. In other words men are in charge of quantity!

    Since men are programmed to sow seed are far and wide as possible, it is up to women to select him or stop him. Women have many choices and many men pursuing them.

  9. It’s quality not quantity; you are seriously missing out if you truly believe that the more you have the better it will be. It's sounding a little like you have something to prove to others and yourself.

  10. I don't really understand what you mean when you say if women "appreciate" how difficult it is for men to have s*x with them. Are you saying that a woman should be grateful that a guy takes her out to dinner, buys her movie tickets, calls her all the time, drives and picks her up and drops her off, repeating these things and sometimes more for 2 weeks or more in order for the woman to agree to sleep with the guy?

    I will say this though. If a woman finds a guy extremely attactive, if she thinks he's some gorgeous Brad Pitt type looking guy, she will not hesitate to have s*x with him at the first given opportunity. I know a lot of women say they will not sleep with a guy until at least a certain amount of dates or time has passed, but if she thinks the guy is as handsome as can be she will go to bed with him as soon as he wants.

    So to answer your question, the answer is : No, women do not appreciate how difficult it is for men to get s*x. When it comes down to it, all sugarcoating aside, the only thing a woman really appreciates about a guy is how physically attractive he is and/or the size of his wallet. If anyone reading this disagrees with me, then explain to me why the ugly but kind and polite guys never get any girls? And on the same note, why the good-looking guys who are selfish jerks have girls with them one after the other?

    Examples :

    - Good-looking poor guys : Women will have s*x with these guys for fun.

    - Ugly-looking poor guys : Women will not give these guys the time of day.

    - Ugly-looking rich guys : Women will have s*x with these guys to get to their money.

    - Good-looking rich guys : Women will have s*x with these guys anytime, anywhere.

  11. Men who are players or understand women, and have attractive qualities get women fairly well and while it's not a piece of cake, it's not as difficult as you make it out to be either. I still think this congratrulations and playa stuff is sad. I think men seeing getting s*x from other women as an achievement speaks volumes that they have nothing other great about them to put their pride on. Trust me, my pride and view of achievements go in my talents and career and getting s*x with women who are human just like me and you is way down on that list or better yet, I don't see it as an achievement, because while I want s*x and it's great,

    I don't look at it as something of my worth or a great goal. Seeing it as an achievement puts you below and puts women up on the pedestal, and is ironic how men who brag about being pimps think they are something special, when in reality, for them to brag about it makes them inferior to women or mean they don't have much  worth or women are the prize and they are not. I think looking at things on an equal level is the more logical thing to do and provides a much better perspective to all this.

  12. That is true for a woman to get s*x its not hard at all. For a guy you have to wine an dine in the slim chance to procreate. An I think most of the women here are not getting the question. But instead take it as an opportunity to attack you.

  13. I think men/boys should be less dependent on s*x, its gets annoying when you have a guy nipping at your heels every night for the same thing

  14. I honestly don't care.  Prostitutes are everywhere.  Pick one.  Lack of s*x is not going to harm you.

  15. Of course they do. Why else would they put tests upon us by asking about questions about who we are,what we do;etc. That's also 1 reason why women can be so manipulative with as guys,we want s*x so much and take advantage of us for it.

    Boy,I sometimes wonder whether or how g*y people have it better than we straight males do,at least U don't have to play games to get a date.

  16. Hard? See a prostitute. Go to a club. Unless you live in some religious backwater or are particularly ugly I can't see what's so difficult about it. My single male friends seem to get by pretty well.

    A better question might be, Do men appreciate how hard it is for a single woman to get GOOD s*x? PERHAPS if men as a collective put in more effort to ensure women have a good time, more women would want s*x more of the time. Simple.

  17. If a guy's too concerned about getting s*x, I would question his mental condition/intellectual ability.

    A well-evolved person focuses on quality, not quantity.

  18. Its a form of power.  They have the gasoline but don't pump out enough for the demand and problems arise.  A creepy form of narcissism.  But that also puts on display their deep seated insecurities and latent bitterness that they are not aware of and again highlights who is nice and who might be a little "twisted" and twisted folk well.....should be avoided.

    But for example  I have a huge urge to be intimate with more of them.  And in order to satisfy my appetite I have to put my neck out there more than average, and I see it and experience it. could be a cultural thing too.  I have travel earth and in  south america women have another attitude about the opposite s*x.....its more understanding and less conflict seems in America conflict is the norm.  The "this you and i am me"  mindset.....when elsewhere its....."we are adults so lets figure this out"

  19. After millenia of natural selection favoring those who spread their seed widely and as often as possible - society's mores have changed so much in the last few hundred years that it's difficult for some men to keep up.  Suddenly, instead of being praised for their virility and ability to produce as many children as possible, men are expected to have a host of positive character traits, be monogamous and pretend to choose their women for anything other than their childbearing hips.  What a shame those caveman days are over, it would have been so much easier for you then, wouldn't it? ;)  (Folks!!! It's satire!!!!)

  20. You might want to invest in some of the fancy Japanese s*x dolls or Akiba robots:

  21. Oh, the poor men!

  22. The fact that they really don't get as much of an enjoyment as us in it...with an o****m...being completely hard to get a woman to do so...the diseases...the names thier freinds will call them such as "w***e" or "s**t" and may put a bun in the oven

  23. If a woman makes it easy for you, you call her a s**t or a w***e.

  24. It might be hard for SOME men to get laid, but I don't think that's standard for all guys. There's probably a reason why a particular guy has trouble getting s*x, whether it be because he hasn't met very many women, or because there's something wrong with his personality (maybe he's a jerk, or he may hate women, things like that).

    For me, I have definitely used the "headache" excuse a few times, but that was with one of my ex-boyfriends, who was a huge manipulative jerk. When I'm with nicer guys (like my current boyfriend, for example), my s*x drive is through the roof.

    So... don't be so quick to blame the women. The guy may very well be part of the problem.

  25. No, we don't care, because we are the ones who get pregnant. And we don't o****m.

  26. It's not difficult for the ones I know, but then again I have a FEW close male friends that I talk about this stuff with..I don't ask most men about their s*x lives.

    The men I know who are virgins choose to stay that way.

    My guy friends who do get s*x easily are coincidentally the good-looking and rich ones

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