
Do women choose less stressful jobs so they can enjoy life more or ...?

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they are not given chance to do stressful job because man think they are less capable?




  1. i work to give back to the community, helpothers, enhance lives etc. i make enough money for me but i dont measure 'success' in material wealth.

    i work with children and soon would like to do teaching. i hae 1 year left of degree. i also find it weird that some guys on here measure success i other ways.

  2. Can you give examples of "less stressful jobs"?

  3. "they might be a little discouraged by men making a dollar to our 75 cents"

    Where'd you get that figure? You REALLY think that you make 25% less doing the exact same job, exact same qualifications, same time working there, same effort and enthusiasm, and same initiative to get a promotion, no other real responsibilities?

    Why the h**l would someone hire a man over a woman for 25% less?

    Rule of economics beats hollistic propaganda any day.

  4. Women have more stressful jobs because men are less capable of handling the heat (in my opinion)

  5. I think men just perceive their jobs as being more stressful. If it was a fact that most secretaries were men, that job would be seen as being more stressful. More importance is given to jobs done by men, no matter what the job is. Sexism, I'm afraid.

  6. I would call working behind an office desk for a nasty boss for 18 years "Stressful", thank God I'm laid off. NOW I am enjoying my life, if only for a moment.  

  7. Because they are smarter.  You don't see them dying, falling off a scaffold or many in the construction field.  More power to the ones who choose a job they love than one that pays more money.  

    On the opposite extreme are single mothers who work slave jobs (waitress, etc) which are very stressful.

  8. You should take stressful jobs so that you will excel men and your reputation will grow. it is my view

  9. dude uh ... this is an odd question. im a guy so i really dont know but i think women just choose what they can do or what they are in to. Man gives job to who ever has the good resume. your question is kinda off so i cant answer too well .  

  10. Warren Farrell also advocates that a "father's genital caressing of his daughter is just a part of a caring, loving expression" That alone makes it very difficult for me to consider any other assertion he makes as "gospel"

    Source -

    While sexist men continue to have high powered positions, women will inevitably continue having difficulties gaining positions of equal power. Thankfully, that's slowly changing. Women are beginning to be represented in positions of management in both the private and public sectors.

    For women who choose to be SAHM, I expect you'll find it difficult to argue that they have less than respectable roles, or high levels of stress.  

  11. I have 2 non-stressful jobs so I enjoy my family and life more.  It's getting priorities right rather than feeling i'm less capable.

  12. The vast majority of nurses are female.

    You are suggesting that nursing is a "less stressful job"?

    "Less stressful" than WHAT???


  13. Warren Farrell is a hack.  Less time does not mean less stress.   What is one of these non stressful jobs - Intensive care nurse maybe?  Oh yeah that's less stress.

  14. i think no..

  15. I’m assuming that more “stressful jobs” refers to top managerial positions in companies rather than those associated with greater physical exertions.

    In that context, I’d say in there are existent barriers to a woman going up the ladder to more stressful jobs. They're made of invisible glass – one created by the group, one by the individual herself.

    Firstly, in many hierarchical organizations, women aren’t considered for top positions because they socialize less with the boys, and their commitment is ‘suspect’ – like they may get pregnant, prioritize family, vote against the in-group, etc.  So there’s the ‘glass ceiling’ of this far and no further.

    Then women are generally brought up with the implicit theory of  romanticism regarding men. They tend to defer to male views and be less aggressive about projecting their own. So they wear the ‘glass slippers’ of male love and protection, and keep a secondary role (and may be that’s what Farrell is alluding to).

    But there could be yet another reason now emerging beyond these stereotypes. That women don’t quite accept the male way of running things – i.e., top down. They stay within the organization up to a certain level or for a certain time period to learn the ropes, and then move out to create their own organizations with a more democratic/participatory leadership.

  16. Perhaps the general discouragement of men making a dollar to our 75 cents.

  17. Is he kidding? Nursing is a very stressful job and it is predominately female. Where I used to live, I had several neighbors who were nurses. One of them worked in the pediatric intensive care unit at the main city hospital. She eventually quit because she could no longer handle all the child abuse cases she saw.

  18. Women endure stress well because they are more balanced

    and earthly than male.

  19. Women definitely have the chance to be great & successful & are just as capable of doing things as men are, the problem w/ this is that many women such as myself choose our families over work & that in itself is a job to do. I am studying to be an elementary school English teacher & specifically want to focus on teaching children how to read & how to love & cherish reading & writing.

    It all has to do w/ the individual, my cousin who is a female graduated as the only black female in her engineering school at a very good university & now is one of the head people in charge at Procter&Gamble, another one of my female cousins is a veterinarian.

    So yes, I'd say women are perfectly capable.

  20. First of all raising children is probably the most stressful and most important job in the anyone who does that deserves great respect.  Other careers women "tend" to be, nursing, social work...I am not sure how they are less stressful...they again helping others, putting others needs ahead of our own.  While businessmen may deal with larger dollar amounts, we are daily effecting lives...if you ask me its a lot more stress because money is just paper but a human life... you can't put a price tag on that!

  21. All jobs can be stressful,  The problem is that women make less money than men for the same exact job.  Society will never treat women equally.

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