
Do women deserve equal rights as men for being so weak?

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It’s true. I know it makes you women angry when you hear it, but that is because deep down you know it is the truth.

Lets take a look at the reason for this:

- The great scientists and inventors are all men. Einstein, Newton, Ford, Franklin et al.

- The great artists: Salvador Dali, Da Vinci, Monet, Picasso, Van Gogh, all men.

- The best Athletes: Michael Jordan, Gretzky, Marino, Federer, all men.

- The great leaders, all men.

- The most successful musicians: U2, Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd, Beatles (groups of men). Who do we remember more from the 60’s, Janis Joplin or Jimi Hendrix?

- The greatest movie directors, men.

- The best actors, men.

- Who built the cities we live in? Men.

- Who discovered new land by exploring the seas? Men.

- The best fashion designers: g*y men

- Who do people like more, g*y men or g*y women? g*y men by a long shot.

- Who is physically stronger? Men.

- Who is easier to get along with? Men.

- The richest MAN in the world: Bill Gates

You can whine all you want that women haven’t been given a fair chance & the same education so that is why they haven’t been as impressive. That is BS though, why did you let men get the better of you if you’re so strong? If you had a great idea why not act on it? Because you’re weak and you know it.




  1. I'm a man, but I think we have a very different idea of what makes one great.

  2. Do women deserve equal rights as men for being so weak?

    so what if men are a bit weak, that's their problem, we don't mind

    women are equal and better that men. ok

  3. Sure we're weak. But you ain't getting any action if you tell us we are. So let us be equal or you're dieing alone. :)

  4. i dont really think this has anything to do with rights

    who cares if men are superior

    it's completely debatable

    either way, everyone deserves the same rights

    nobody should have more rights than me because theyre good at acting

  5. But the number of men who have actually achieved creative or scientific success in any field is very small.  The majority of men, like the majority of women, are just ordinary people leading ordinary lives, they are not top athletes, scientists, or musicians.  People are not given the right to vote on the grounds of whether they are successful in their chosen field or not.

    And although there may be fewer women than men in all the fields you mention, they certainly exist.

    In the field of music, for instance, you could hardly deny the greatness of, for instance, Bessie Smith, Billie Holliday, Ella Fitzgerald, Edith Piaf, Josephine Baker, Maria Callas, Joan Sutherland, etc.

    As for acting, I would venture to suggest that Sarah Siddons, Sarah Bernhardt, Eleanora Duse, Ellen Terry, Sybil Thorndike, Edith Evans, Catherine Cornell, Judi Dench, Maggie Smith, and many others have been considered to have remarkable talent.

    You might mention some of the great women writers who have made an impact, Jane Austen, the Brontes, George Eliot, Agatha Christie, how much more dull would our lives be without their talent!

    And when it comes to great fashion designers, it was Coco Chanel who brought about an enormous change in women's fashions after WW1, she was the one who radically changed the way women dressed and introduced the look that defined women's fashions of the 1920s era.

    And while most of the world's great artists are indeed men, what do they mostly paint?  Women, that's what!  Where would da Vinci have been without the Mona Lisa?  Where would Botticelli have been without Venus?  Where would Degas have been without his ballet dancers?  Where would Renoir have been without the numerous women he painted?

    And although men may have explored the seas, the new colonies they built there would hardly have survived without the efforts of the women, in providing the foodstuffs and clothing, raising the children, tending the sick etc.

    And there have been great women leaders when they got the chance, Queen Elizabeth I didn't do too badly ruling England for 44 years for example, and for that matter Margaret Thatcher managed to remain Prime Minister of England for eleven years, no mean feat.

    If the vote was given only to people of exceptional talent, then very few of either s*x would have it.  I suspect you probably would not for a start.

    And what on earth has being easier to get along with got to do with it?  Personally, I often find women easier to get along with than men, it depends entirely on the woman.

  6. Children are weaker than adults but they deserve basic human rights as well and not to be seen as of less worth, that's why I think your argument doesn't hold alot of water.


    Let us see clearly now!  

    All these so-called great accomplished and creative men you cite were given birth, breastfed, nurtured, reared by their respective MOTHERS aka super-mothers!

    If the MOTHERS of these so-called accomplished figures had not given them birth (with their own superior genetic materials), where would these historic figures be?  

    Flushed right down the toilet and into some sewer!  Think about the implications of where one is now and where one could have been?  Not a pretty picture of the waste floating down the city gutters, is it?  

    Your MOTHER, a WOMAN, dignified you to the enth degree.  And what are mockingly propogating in response to such majestic action of the MOTHER, a life giving WOMAN!??  

    Diminshment of golden value and unequal status!??  

    THINK!  THINK!  Get some oxygenated blood "upstairs"!  Or, call *111 to send a search party to find missing links.  

    One should be working diligently to shift the paradigm of inequality and ensuring better ways and means!  

    Birth! Nurturing! Diaper changes (did you forget that?)! Comfort! Security! Encouragement! Support! Guidance! Among other tangible and intangible infrastructure and things that empowered them to focus and accomplish!

    Of course, it was not some microshaft Billy Goates that brought them forth.  


    Morally mutant and intellectually indigent professings cannot be sustained or uplifted even with a 10-ton dosage of viagra!

    One should reflect back to the teenage times when you were all alone in your room at your momma's house (assuming that you were blessed with one) with a pile of centerfolds (playboy / playgirl).  It is possible that one may become a great "mastur-debater" by virtue of such stimuli.  When substantial oxygenated-blood supply is redirected and is drained down from the brain, everything becomes blurry and foggy.

    Proposition of such delusional and pants-around-the-ankles type questions reflect serious sense of insecurity and lack of self confidence.  

    Often there is a tendency to denigrade something of value just so one could take advantage of it -- without appreciating and compensating for the full golden value!  

    While you cite a few of others accomplishments, what have you personally invented, accomplished, found cures, socio-economic theories, improvement of humankind? What paradigms have you shifted -- from bad to good? For that matter, what most men have accomplished; other than wars and mass killings of what was given life.  And being caterers and always trying to impress their better FEMALE half to enhance their reproductive and generic survival quotient?  

    None of these cited personalities ever gave birth to any human child.  Because men are not as strong as one thinks to carry and give birth delivery via any of their favorite orifices!  You want to try it; be everyone's guest mom!  

    Even if one happened to be a San Francisco liberal s*****e (a little bit of he and a little bit of she, a hermaphrodite), HeShe will still be looking for those comforting and nurturing pretty feminine traits in HeShe to feel ambiguously complete.  

    You get the Blue-Ray HiDef picture!  

    That's why I often say, to control the population of idiots, it may be better to give (or get) a "monica lewinsky" or have cell-phone/cyber eSx with your spouse instead of the full blown carnal knowledge in your conjugal bed! Look ma, no birth control pills needed here!

    One may ask, why men do such things?  

    The answer is to impress women! To feel comfort in the psychodynamic security that females profer to boys and men by their mere presence in this world! Even if someone is suffering intellectual-ED! Get it!

    Girls, women are smarter than boys and "grown-up" men.  No matter how you dice it!

    Men have to do something "manly" to compensate for their known flaws and deficiencies.  

    So all those hooks (accomplishments) you cite are in reality often subterfuge for their inadequacies.  


    Their mothers provided the psychodynamically vibrant environment in which these, otherwise jumbo idiots, could go out beyond the threshold of the front door and into the world to be somebodies!  

    So, the moral of the Q & A is (sounds of drum-roll) that every WOMAN is, in actuality, a Woman-and-a-half compared to every man is just being a man.  

    The equation is expressed thusly:  F1+1/2 : M1.  

    Better than "brothas" Einstein, Frued, Newton, Franklin and et als can ever express any of their equations!  

    Don't snort carbonated coke; and do have sunny funny smiles!  

    Nothing personal.  

    Just Best Regards,

    © 2008-DiamondDave. SunErgy.  

    All rights reserved.  

  8. you have a point on some of this

    i think you are just antisemanistic

    but of corse they deserve equal rights!

    woman diserve to be born into this worl with all of the oportunity that men have

    its not right to make a general assumption and then supress a people for it!

    like how people say that all Moslems are terrorists!

    i hate it because they all arent!

  9. Subjective list. Most of those are 'great' because you say so, not because of any objective standard.

    And as for questions like 'who built the cities we live in' ~ people did, not just men.

    This sort of thing is so silly and childish, I can't imagine why you think it proves anything at all.

    But have fun tonight, at home alone. Feeling superior.

    Cheers :-)

  10. All people deserve equal rights. All people should have equal responsibilities.

    Feminists, however, want privileges for women but no responsibilities.

  11. yes women do deserve equal rights there are a lot of weak men all so

  12. not only is this question stupid, but the person asking it has actually posted this at least twice under different headings.

    Just a warning for those of you out there who may be searching for some reasonable questions.

  13. Did YOU do anything of great note?  These sort of questions only reveal your insecurities to the world.  Get therapy, and get over it.

    BTW: Bill Gates isn't the richest person in the world today (actually no. 3).  Warren Buffett is.

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