
Do women do this frequently?

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Do women ever get friendly with a dude just to get closer to someone else they are really interested in? like if they are attracted to that dude's friend?




  1. yea a lot of women do that.

    I actually have once and im only 14,

    so it depends on the person but usually when we see

    something we want we'll do whatever it takes to get it<3!


  3. Yes but only in high school

  4. Ya but i wouldnt i would go to the dudes friend and say i like you and not go to the dude get close to him the dude gets feelings and you break dudes feelings!

  5. In some cases yes, but nowadays a women don't seem to have a problem approaching the man she's interested in

  6. I don't know, I'm focused on Japanese women..  

  7. I don't know...try asking every woman in the entire world.  Or, just ask us, since a handful of random strangers on Yahoo Answers speak for all women.  *Yawn*.

  8. Only if she REALLY likes the guy and feels that this is the only way to get "in" or closer to him. Some guys just don't let outsiders in so this is sometimes the only way.

  9. most definitly expecialy if they ask questions about them and flirt with them when there with you

  10. Yes and if you were smart you would do it too.  I often feign interest in a woman's friends when opening a pickup.  This has two effects.  1) it shows that her friends like me.  If her friends like me, I can't be all bad right?  Two, if you pay alot of attention to her friends and very little attention to her, she will be much more interested in what you have to say when you finally start talking to her.

  11. yes, they do.  nd if they do this frequently, its a sign they're interested.

  12. Not if they actually want a working relationship with the guys friend.  If a woman actually thinks it's possible to work to a guys friend from another friend, she is sadly mistaken.  But, maybe she just wants to bone.

  13. I don't but I've seen other girls do that. I guess if they're too shy or something to just go for the guy they like directly, they'll hang around his friends or 'neutral' friends.

  14. Women do not do that; but girls do.  

  15. I did that once but then fell for the guy I was using... that was when I was 18 and hadn't realised that it was a danger to the dignity of mankind to use someone as a means to a selfish end!!  

  16. Yeh we get friendly as in make friends with them, but not "friendly" as in sleep with them. Happens all the time. You can't just go fishing with a fishing line, you need a hook and BAIT too. So if we really like a guy, we find ways and means of getting them...BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY...right?

  17. yes, women do that.  anything to get the desired mate or to get closer to him.

  18. It is no different than you looking for a better job while you are currently employed. They are trying to better their position in life.

  19. I've done it.

    And my friends do it too.

    But once, I ended up liking the guys friend, more than the guy I originally wanted.

  20. yes they do tht 2 make the guy they like notice her and junk like tht its 1 of the many weird attributes of a woman

  21. Hey, they always find a way.  Why not?  Don't men do the same thing?  Sorry, but women aren't space aliens from another planet.

  22. i would say sometimes , but i have the guts to et close to the guy i actually like instead of play there dumb asses

  23. I don't.  I have the balls to actually talk to the person of interest.

  24. well some women do that but as for me no i don't find i rude and disrespectful and to cruel cuz the gurl would be playin with the guys heart and that's just wrong

  25. Some times but, its not like in movies where there big and mean about it.

  26. sometimes if they are b*****s

  27. Yes "women" and "girls" do that. But I got news for you,"you guys and men" do the same thing! I had it happen to me a couple times. Most of the time when people meet up like that they are sneaky people trust me on that one.  Stay away from people like that you'll regret it for the rest of your life if you don't get away from people like that. Someone who is dating you and they really want your friend instead,that is betrayal and you are being used by this gal. Tell her to hit the road.

    Read the sources below and find out how couples met.

  28. always=P

  29. Yes women do that, but not women only. Men do too. And each gender does it no more than the other gender. If this is a personal problem of yours and you think a girl is trying to get to know you better and pretend to like you just to get closer to your friend, then please say so and explain the situation, as it's a lot easier to help you then and you won't have to make assumptions on wether a woman is doing this to you just from the answers you get to this question.

  30. I'm sure it happens.  After all, if you can't think of how to talk to the man you're after, you can get someone else to introduce you!

    "She was a friend of my friend."

  31. Oh yeah....a lot do.

    Main difference between men and women when it comes to dating people they have met.

    A man will meet his best friend's amazing girlfriend and say to himself, "man, i hope that one day I find a woman like that."

    A woman will meet her best friend's boyfriend and say to herself, "I am going to get THAT man." And is willing to destroy her friendship for it. Women love the game, and the more people who get hurt in the process the better.

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