
Do women ever have the problem of their first name not being harmonious with their husband-to-be's lastname?

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Sometimes our new last names sound nice with our names but sometimes not so much. So what do these women do?




  1. nmm its ok with me

  2. after the marriage the couple become one to be life partners and will be the one. the life style also changes as it depends upon their understanding. it is sacred as they will have to lead a life as one with mutual understanding and respecting each other. this is what everybody wants and wishes.  

  3. Yes, it can happen, I would simply not change my name, there is no law that says you must take on your husband's name after all.

  4. working in schools we see a lot of married people with either hyphenated names, or the wife keeps her last name.

    Throw in a step parent and sometimes we have three people in a family and all three have different last names.  Step dad has his, mom has her maiden name, and kid has dad's.


    So, just make a choice, and in the end, it really doesn't matter.

  5. A name is a name, is a name.  Get over it.  If you don't like the new one, use your maiden name.  Problem solved.  Why make a big deal out of it.  You could even hyphenate your names.

    I hope this is the biggest problem that ever occurs in your marriage.  Good luck!!

  6. how do you think i feel??

    my first name is Sharon. my last name is Peters.

  7. I'm sure they do.

    Karen Butts

    Kat Head

    Candace Spencer (can dispenser)

    Candy Barr

    Dinah Soares

    Doris Schutt (Doris Open...)

    Claire Annette

    Ella Vader

    f***y O'Rear

    Gae Hooker

    Ginger Vitus

    Hazle Nutt

    Joy Rider

    Trudy Moody

    Anita d**k

  8. jump off a bridge?

  9. You are going to think that I am making this story up, but I swear it's the truth!

    I had a close friend that had a really nice last name and she married a man with the last name "Hurlbutt" I kid you not. She actually changed her last name to his. There's no way I would have done that. I would have kept my own last name. Too make things even worse, she moved into his house, which was on a street called "Gas point Road."

    I told her that was reason enough not to marry the guy. She did admit to me that some people do tend to laugh when she gives them her name and address.  

  10. Of course, why do you think so many women opt for the hypenid of their last name with their guy's last name. And even some are keeping their last name period and not taking the guy's last name at all. I say go with what works for you, but make sure you explain it to your guy so as to not hurt his feelings if you don't take his last name at all.

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