
Do women feel sorry for Palin since the left is picking on this women?

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Sexism is still alive and it's sad.




  1. That's a pretty sexist statement.  You think all women should get a pass because they're women.  Grow a v****a.

  2. yes its sad these elections seem to have brought out the worst in people.  i don't see how her daughters choices have anything to do with the mom and her ability to do the job, that means every woman whose daughter has an underage pregnancy must automatically be fired from her job. sexism has reached new highs it seems.

  3. I don't feel sorry for her because I think she is a strong woman and is taking the blows with dignity and focusing on her role in this political race. I do feel sorry for the people who have nothing better to do than nitpick people's lives in ways that they themselves would be horrified if it were being done to them or their candidates.

  4. No  

  5. I so agree.  I would tread lightly if I were the Obama supporters, this can get explosive.

  6. As an older Independent, no I don't feel sorry for Mrs.Palin. Not after trying to keep quiet and now has thrown her young daughter into the spotlight and brought her entire family under greater scrutiny.

    There are enough issues regarding Mrs.Palin that give rise to allot of questioning, but this to me speaks more to ambition and selfishness than concern for ones family....

    I also don't think Senator McCain vetted her completely, if googled, there are plenty of articles on this issue, and that the vetting process is currently going on.....

    I have to wonder how concerned he was about her family as a whole, of if this was truly a quick choice for the means for political purposes and securing of votes.

  7. I think that the candidates' children should be off limits.   Obama wouldn't tolerate his children being attacked; why should Palin?  

  8. It is not sexism and I do not feel sorry for her.  Everyone gets criticized. It is not sexism and pointing out Obamas numerous faults is not racism

  9. Absolutely NOT.

    McCain is an idiot for choosing her!

    It is an insult to woman and all voters as if he can sway use to vote for him by bring in an experienced woman.

    She has VERY little experience - sorry but manging a tiny town with 500 residents counts for much.

    Obviously she thinks very highly of herself to even accept the position.

    Talk about feelings an grandeur. She is not qualified.

    Does she care about the country so little. Her ego comes before what is best for all of us. She is wiling to deny someone who would actually add value as the VP, because that is what her decision to accept the nomination points to.

    She put herself in the position just like all candidates did to be criticized. If she can't handle the public reaction it is just further proof she is a lame duck and completely out of touch with reality.

    Her stance on abortion is scary, fine it is her personal opinion to be against abortion but how dare she want to take away a woman's right to chose!

    The McCain and his advisers must either be idiots or are throwing the race by bringing her on.

    She is just to despicable.

  10. NOPE - if she can't handle the heat she should have never accepted the VP position!

    whine, whine, whine, whine, whine

  11. I did, but not after today's news.

  12. She's running for the 2nd highest political office in the land, and the press and the American people have EVERY RIGHT to ask questions.

    The belief that women deserve special care is what's really sexist.

    Hillary and Obama and McCain and Biden AND PALIN all should be treated the same.

  13. This is a big boy/ big girl game. If she cant stand the heat get out of the kitchen.... This is how National politics works.... If she cant stand the last couple of days, then she's not strong anyway.

  14. idk. i mean i am totally for mccain, palin! and sexism is retarted. i just think people that are sexist are retarted and i think palin is above that. i think she knows that no matter what you do, there will be haters!

  15. Yes, I do. McCain should have picked Bristol Palin. She's even more out of control than her mother.

  16. It's not sexism when she truly is a terrible candidate for VP.

    1. She wants to teach CREATIONISM Do you get that?!?!?

    2. She wants to ignore the environmental problems that the last 8 years have accumulated

    3. She wants more VA Tech shootings to occur

    4. She abuses her power as she did in Alaska

    She is truly a terrible candidate for VP!

  17. I think its wrong. She seems smart and mature and capable of handling things that get thrown at her. I don't particularly like her lack of political experience, but it would be better to have a VP with no experience than an actual president with no experience. She seems like she is willing to learn and extremely capable of handling issues.

  18. John, if Biden's daughter were pregnant, you'd never hear about it because she'd abort it.

  19. 'The left'  is not picking on this woman.  The world, both in and outside america, is laughing its guts out at this woman and the ongoing mess.

  20. i dont feel sorry. you have to be strong in politics just because she is a women dont mean she cant fight back.  

  21. Not at all.Palin could be our next VP.she accepted the fact that she'll be

    under observation..The questions the left are asking about experience,political choices are part of the process...she has yet to endure the scrutiny that Obama has endured and still endures with the right!

  22. I think it's unfair because Biden didn't get as much gossip and rumors as Palin has.  BUT, I don't think it has anything to do with the fact that she is a woman.  The media likes to dump on the republicans and no matter who McCain chose, they would be picked on.  I think the left is extra worried because so many people are excited about the Palin pick.  

  23. I'm a woman who supports Obama, and no I don't feel sorry for this religious nut.

  24. No; she stepped up, and we certainly already know that she'd pick right back.

    However, I do wonder how much different the tone would be if her son had gotten a girl pregnant, or if a male candidate were the one to have a pregnant daughter.  

  25. No. In accepting the nomination, this is to be expected.

    Why do you think it is sexism? Bidden, Obama, and McCain have all been beaten up, its part of the game.

  26. I feel it is very wrong to condemn a 17 year old girl... It reminds me of the bible story of when they were going to stone the prostitute to death and Jesus said, 'he without sin may cast the first stone'.

  27. i think if Biden's 17-year-old daughter were pregnant, it would be a problem, and REPUBS would call her the w***e of Babylon.

  28. It's so sad when a woman hatefully attacks young girls as "baby killers" and rails out against s*x-education, and then has an incredibly embarrassing incident which makes her look like a giant hypocrite.

    THIS IS THE RISK of running your campaign on imposing your moral values on others.  When it turns out that they don't work then you look like a fool.

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