
Do women find the word "female" offensive?

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Recently a woman I am close to asked others to stop using the word "female" unless they are speaking of an animal(non-human animal) or matters of Science.She states to others that when men use the word "female" it is usually in a disrespectful sense.She also says that when women use it they are disrespecting themselves.

Requesting thought from both genders.




  1. I don't know what her problem is but anyone who finds the name of thier s*x offensive should seek help.

  2. No.

  3. winona ryder

  4. I don't find that offensive.  I use the word female all the time and I ain't disrespecting myself.  What's her problem, dude?

  5. idk, but i know that men find "homosexual" offensive ahahahahahhahhahahahahahahahahaahahahaha...

  6. I guess in this century it could be offensive.

    But id rather be called a female than a *****, like most men do.

  7. umm no, its our gender not rude.

  8. No but they do rfind that making men sandwhiches as offensive

  9. um your friend is just super sensitive.

  10. No. Its just like saying the word male.. Do You find male offensive? Its just our gender she is definitely over reacting!

  11. it's just freaking wierd saying female in my opinion...It gets me very annoyed...I don't blame her..

  12. No. She is overly sensitive.

  13. no... you were hanging out with a weird woman, it s just like saying the word male....its not offensive

  14. Depends on how its used.   Once, I went to give a briefing at the base theater.  When I showed up, the coordinator asked me where the other "female" was, meaning the briefer after me.  It was said in a rather hostile manner.  When I confronted him, he pretended not to hear me.

    Can you imagine asking where the "other male" was?  It would sound stupid.

    But if you are using it to describe someone, i.e. two female students, that's how the word is intended to be used.  It refers to gender.

  15. well i think that its only offensive depending on the way that people direct the word to one another for ex.

    if someone said "hey female get over here"

    i would be pissed and i would take it offensively.

    but if they said "you are a beautiful female" i wouldn't take it offensively

    it depends on the format you put it in and the before and after words. hope that helped.  

  16. That is odd...

    i mean i can understand the whole "woman" thing. Like "get over here woman" for lack of a better example, but female. I don't know i think any word can be distorted to be offensive. Sure if you are like females are lower class citizens than men, or something like that.

    No offense but i think your friend is hyper sensitive and must be really hard to tip toe around, not to offend.  

  17. I don't find it offensive at ALL....I don't get offended by words like that. It seems silly to me. I could see where the woman is coming from, however, what are people supposed to say? I recently took a Women's Studies class, and I disagreed with alot of the arguments they tried to put forth to the class. It seems like all women do is complain, and don't put forth any action to change. Of course it is GREAT that women have come a long way to get rights...but I don't have to call myself a feminist to advocate this do I ? Although this class will disagree with me and probably some others, I feel equal to men. Women need to put themselves out there to be thought of as equal. But when the stereotypical woman is not interested in things that the stereotypical things guys are in, guys will treat them as such. But what women don't realize is they treat men stereotypically as well. I recently was debating somebody who was saying that women are not equal in the workforce. I personally disagree. I think SOME women are overly sensitive and are victims in situations.

    But then again I'm a very aggressive, straightforward (but not blunt), open female and girl. Some women aren't, and it could change the perspective. I think alot of this is one big misunderstanding and communication.

    What some women don't realize is that people will always judge, whether you are male, female, black, white, Christain, atheist. Whether someone treats you differently doesn't describe the whole humankind. It could seriously be that particular person. Prejudice will always exist and that's the way it will always be.

  18. Are you sure she did not say *****?  Cause that is what you call a female dog. It really depends on how it is used, and who says it.  

  19. She is a returd.. "female" doesn't mean a non-human animal .. ask her how she feels about the word *****... because thats the word for a "Female" Dog.. personally that should be a new word in the dictionary with her picture under it for talking to people  like that and for implying almost every woman in america and other places are disrespecting themselvesf?

    The dictionary says nothing about non-human animals in the definition..


    A member of the s*x that produces ova or bears young.

    A woman or girl.

    Sorry you are close to her, and sorry for being harsh but wowness.. really.. I would run far far away.. thats the kind of woman who will give you a headache and lecture you about womans rights for ever until you die or go deaf, then she might even learn sign language.  

  20. That makes no sense at all. I call men MALES so why would I care? I have plenty of other things to get worked up about... like calling women "b*tches" in songs. Female is not an offensive term. Your friend is being an overly sensitive feminist.  

  21.          Your friend is misinformed and creating confusion where there

       should be none. The book of Genesis states that, "In the beginning

       God created man, male and female, created he them."

        Any word can be used in a disrepectful way, depending on the

        context, tone of voice etc.

  22. What the h**l? Female is what were supossed to be called. Thats what we are

    b***s, curves, and no penius, so that would mean were female.

    I hate the Woman power feminists that give most of us girls a bad name .

    She should get over it

    Call me female, why would i care?  

  23. females be trippin sometimes

    there is nothing wrong with it, she is a female , she has ovaries, its not like you are calling her something vulgar or something she is not(like a female dog, or prostitute) tell her she need to get over herself

  24. girl. i think that is stupid because you use male also, so what is her problem? i don't care being called female. it is whta we are.

  25. I wonder if we know the same person?

    I can understand why someone would have a problem, but I suspect it is a matter of not wanting to be animal-ized, rather than a sexist issue.  I suspect that the word is not a major problem, but if it makes your friend feel better by all means avoid using it.

  26. Some women do find it offensive, but I have not known any. I think it is ridiculous. She needs to get over herself. Everything is not about her. She obviously has issues.

    I get so sick of everyone getting offended about everything. g**s, African Americans, women, its always something.

    I have been called a whop, a deigo and been told things like, Italian women have mustaches, greasy hair, are ruthless etc. I never take  it personally. Except the ruthless part  lol !

    I know who I am and am not worried about that menial stuff. Besides, if they are really serious about trying to insult me, I am not offended, I just think they are stupid and not worth my time.

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