
Do women from every country cross their legs?

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I always see women sit and place one leg over the other but do women in other countries sit like this? Is this a way all women sit and why?




  1. greek women sit with there legs wide open    yuck

  2. Many women and many men cross their legs when sitting.

    As to whether it would be from every country, that is interesting to consider.

    In some countries, people do not always use chairs to sit on ~ they may sit cross legged on the floor, or sit in low seats, so crossing their legs in th way you describe would not be comfortable.

    Cheers :-)

  3. Only in countries where two legs is standard equipment.  Western countries.

    In parts of Asia, Africa and the Middle East squatting and sitting "Indian style" is more common.  Don't the Japanese sit on their heels to eat at the table?  All this looks bloody painful to me.  No thanks.

  4. Any culture bearing women who may wear skirts will produce leg crossing.  TRY WEARING a skirt...especially on a windy day and see how you deal with it!!! LOL   Crossing the legs is only the beginning.

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