
Do women get the urge to build something, like a table, fix the faucet, build stairways, etc?

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Do women get the urge to build something, like a table, fix the faucet, build stairways, etc?




  1. Yes, but mostly they get the urge to buy them.  j/k  :)

  2. ya it is fun

  3. yes ,if she is a woman who knows how to do that sort of thing  . I don't think that building or repairing things has anything to do with if your a man or a woman ,it's a matter of knowledge and know how,or the desire to gain them.

  4. I know plenty of men who haven't got a clue how to do anything practical, and plenty of women who haven't.  I also know women who are very practical (including myself) and men who are.

    However, it's rather nice watching a healthy strong man build something.  I get a kick out of that.  

    Visions of Stepford Wives, men in their place, women in theirs, isn't life lovely.  Is that your dream?

  5. Of course! All of what you mentioned and then clean u after you guys, do your laundry, fold your clothes, cook for you....

    Ahhhh men... they can't live without us. Period.

  6. Absolutely!  :)

  7. Definitely. I'm a very craftsy person. I really want to make a table and chairs. Nothing fancy. I just wanna make a long, rustic, wooden table. I'd really love to work with wood. Unfortunately I live in an apartment and don't have the workspace or the money.

  8. Started in the theatre, building a new world every 8 weeks, and currently remodel houses. Last one I added 864 square feet, from framing to interior design.

  9. yes, i got the urge to go to college and study how to do AI.

    When i was younger, i had the urge to guide all of my exboyfriends through fixing their car, because i know more than them. When I was younger, I got paid to design stariways on AutoCAD

    I get the urge sometimes to build my own circuits, design solutions, and fixing a faucet is easier than what I do for a career these days.

    Yes I get the urge.

  10. hahaha well if you find it fun to build then yeah

    ooh its more fun when there is a few of us!!

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