
Do women get their wedding ring valued?

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I heard a lot of women like to get their wedding ring valued and like to show it off. Is that true?




  1. My ring was appraised for insurance purposes...not to show it off. I know how much it cost  before it was bought.  

    and yes, all your stuff should be insured.homeowners.renters insurance? If something happens like a fire or flood I would want all my stuff replaced- even my $20 shirts form Target.

    That is only smart.

  2. Do you mean the engagement ring?

    Why wouldn't we like to show it off?

    As for getting a value, I guess some women do, especially for insurance reasons.

  3. It's one thing to get the ring properly appraised - and that's a smart thing to do for insurance purposes.

    But it's another thing to flaunt how much it's worth. That is truly tacky.

  4. Got mine appraised for insurance reasons.  My fiance saved a long time for it so I want it protected.

  5. They get it appraised for insurance purposes.... and of COURSE they show it off, that is half the fun!!!

  6. I believe you need a certified appraisal to be able to get appropriate insurance coverage.  But I'm sure some women get it appraised so they can brag about how much it's worth.  I'm not one of them.

  7. There would be no pointing having your wedding ring valued unless you need a jewelry rider or are getting separate insurance.  My engagement and wedding ring as well as some other jewelry are all going to be insured separately and not as part of my homeowners.  This is because I want them insured for damage as well as loss or theft without that $1000 deductible.  It costs the same as a rider on my homeowners, so I may as well get the better coverage.

    Do women like to show off their ring? Yep. Only the tacky ones go on about how much it cost.

  8. i had to get it appraised for insurance purposes.

    isn't the ring more of a financial reflection on their husband anyway?

    umm ya it should be insured.

  9. Some women do, for insurance purposes. Maybe some do because they are curious about its monetary worth, too!

    However, I never have. My husband chose lovely rings for me, and I love them! I know they aren't valuable in money terms, they are modest but beautiful - but they are INvaluable to me because of their symbolism.

  10. You get it appraised for insurance reasons. And it's actually a smart thing to do...

  11. It is true that a lot of women like to get their wedding rings appraised. This could be for practical reasons like insurance purposes or for inheritance purposes. It also provides a semi-secure value to the piece of jewelry, in case there is a need to sell it for whatever purpose.

    And yes, a lot of women like to hint a little brag about the appraisal value. ^_^

  12. You get an engagement ring appraised for insurance purposes.  It is a very smart thing to do because if something happens to the ring you are covered.  My engagement ring is my fiance's grandmother's ring, she has had it for 48 years!  I would be crushed if something happened to it so we are getting it appraised and insured so our children can pass on the ring and the tradition.

  13. You should always have the ring appraised for insurance purposes. I got my ring appraised to see if we got a good deal or not and for insurance purposes.  

  14. I would never show off my appraisal, but it makes sense to have your insurance value updated every so often.

    There would be no reason to get an apprisal accept for insurance purposes.  Seriously, who would have a $500 ring appraised and then show off the appraisal??

  15. If they are suspicious that the groom gave the something less than valuable, and had lied about it's value, I guess they would. And there is that insurance thing.

    Ususally though, they wait until down the road aways, until the "groom" cheats on the marriage, then they go get it assessed. For the divorce settlement, you know.

  16. I didn't it means more to me sentimentally then by pocket value.

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