
Do women have a strong sense of right and wrong like men do ?

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Do women have a strong sense of right and wrong like men do ?




  1. Seeing as how women are now classifed as the same species as human men, yes.

  2. to tell you the truth, it seems to me that alot of guys at my school don't have a sense of right and wrong at all!!! however, a very select few do... same with girls, but more select few. everyone has it, just some people are sooo stupid that they don't use it.

    or they were brought up that way.

  3. I don't

  4. Strong sense of right and wrong? Men do, do they? So why do they choose to do so much wrong?  

  5. yes, but they suffer from more, shall we say, 'conflicts of interest'

  6. Nope that's why the prisons are full of women murderers, rapists, and child molesters. What planet are you from? If anyone needs to work on their sense of right and wrong, it's a few men who terrorize the rest of society (whether they are attacking other men, women or children).

  7. People in general today don't have a sense of what is right and wrong. They have a sense of strong opinions and personal preferences. Just read some of the comments that are often posted hear. "Do what makes you feel good" "Do what makes you happy". Few people today make wise decisions. They desire immediate gratification and rarely contemplate the long term consequences. Social norms as we know them are dead.  

  8. Of course males and females don't differ in the sense of right and wrong...are you talking from some religious viewpoint in your definition of right and wrong? What is right and wrong to you?

  9. I think everyone has a sense of right and wrong.  Some people just don't care.

  10. Of course!

    If something benefits women.. its right. If it benefits men without benefiting women.. its wrong.  

  11. um as morals are a resault of teaching. it has nothing to do with s*x, and everything to do with teaching.

  12. Yes I do.

  13. Is this a joke? Women are people too. There are a variety of people out there, some don't have a good sense of right and wrong, and I seriously doubt that the dividing line is gender.  

  14. Some you would think have no morals at all. Yet, when you come down to it the man is held responsible for her actions. In some cases neither one knows right from wrong; and in turn one blames the other. When that happens all you have is one vicious circle.

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