
Do women have a wider range of emotion’s to use in thinking, while men are only able to think logically? ?

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is logical thinking any good? Useful? necessary?




  1. meh its a human thing, were just socilised to prefer using diffrent methods.  

  2. I dispute that men only think logically, many men are totally illogical when they have an axe to grind or spouting a prejudice.  

    I don't think women have more emotions though I think they show them more easily than men, traditionally men are taught not to show emotions.

  3. Both men and women are able to think logically and use their emotions to influence thinking. Both are useful. Emotions enable people to act with empathy, compassion and understanding. Logic enables people to determine how things affect each other, to solve problems and draw rational conclusions.

    BratRich - those are the best writers of science fiction in your opinion :-) Personally I prefer Ursula Le Guin and Marion Zimmer Bradley. As for romantic fiction, there are plenty of celebrated female authors e.g. Jane Austen, Charlotte Bronte etc.

  4. HA!  That men dont have emotions, or dont use emotions to think is BS.

    Men have the same emotions, have the same range and degrees of emotions.  They just express them outwardly differently.

    There is need for a balance between logic and emotions....

  5. thats why we contribute to the economy while you whine all the time for rights

  6. Honey please! Men don't think logically. Most don't even think. Logical thinking is good, useful and necessary. Women think more carefully most of the time because their understanding of the emotions of others.

  7. clearly you dont know what a scientist is

  8. Well if you have done any studies let me know.

    My experience from reading books and meeting actual people says this.

    Men have this unique ability to compartmentalize their thoughts. We can switch from emotional to logical to rational to any -al kind of thinking. The best love stories are written by male writers (Shakespeare, eric seagle). The best science fiction -imagination- again by men (H.G. Wells, Jules Verne, Arthur C. Clark). Any thing.

    Women can not do that. Not derogatory but true. Thats why men are happier than women ( NBC news survey).

    And emotions are for feeling, not thinking. If you didn't know that already.

  9. as a male  architect, i prefer to use logic when thinking of a design for a steel-truss ..then afterwards, consider emotions when i'm deciding on the color to paint it with.

  10. lol... No, no good can come from logical thought.  You'd have to be mental to even entertain this silly idea that logic has any positive role.

    Logical thought, only interferes with the progress of feminism.

  11. To be good, or EXCELLENT at anything people have to learn to control their emotions and at the same time improve the logical thinking...

    feelings can be strong and can lead one to think the experience is very real, whilst been very wrong

    it is easy to mistake feelings for facts, but it leads to trouble and often depressions

  12. Women are able to think better since they do have a wider range of cognitive abilities to rely on than men, logical thinking being one of those abilities.  

  13. The best thing to do is to strike a balance...BUT Alas

    The most difficult thing to do is to strike a balance.

  14. i didn't think that men even thought logically :D

  15. is emotional thinking any good? Useful? necessary?

  16. Emotion interferes with logical thought.  

  17. In the Bible it says that man should not use his emotions to judge the rightness or wrongness of a decision. I personally agree with that wisdom. In General Men do suppress their emotions when making a decision in order to stay focused on the facts. One great example is the Military.

  18. No

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