
Do women have to fast during Ramadan?

by Guest56096  |  earlier

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I am still new to Islam, this will be my first Ramadan! Am I obligated to fast during Ramadan or is it only for men?




  1. Of course!

  2. If you are new to Islam, how come you still identify as a Christain on your profile? Yes, women have to fast.  

  3. Fasting in Ramadan is obligatory on both women and men.

  4. Yes, it is obligated on both women and men.

    Though, sometimes one does not have to fast if they are really sick, a woman that is pregnant, or some kind of reason like that... However, they days that were missed have to be 'made up' (as in you have to fast the amount of days you missed in Ramadan sometime in the year) before the next Ramadan.

  5. yes!!

    equal rights!!

    for men and women both!!

  6. YES.

  7. its for both men and women.

  8. Yes it is wajib for you to fast except when your on your period.

    After Ramadhan finishes you have to make up for those fasts that you missed :D

    <3 .

  9. yep!

    Except pregnant women and women during her periods , and people who are sick or under medication , and also travelling people..

    but u will have to cover it up later...

    Good Day!

  10. According to the Qur'an, for all other cases, not fasting is only permitted when the act is potentially dangerous to one's health - for example; those elderly who are too weak to fast for extended periods of time, diabetics, nursing, and pregnant women.

    Observing the fast is not permitted for menstruating women. However, when a woman's period has ceased, she must bathe and continue fasting. Any fasts broken/missed due to menstruation must be made up whenever she can before the next month of Ramadan. Women must fast at times when not menstruating, as God indicates that all religious duties are ordained for both men and women.

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