
Do women in the military HAVE to wear skirts??

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Well I was just wondering do we have to dress real girly because I'm a real tomboy and I haven't worn a dress or skirt since I was about 12 years old..I just don't feel comfortable wearing that or too tight jeans or anything..I just wanta know me out pleaz..




  1. Nope. But I think it all depends on your MOS/rate. You could have a job that requires you to wear BDUs all the time. Not all jobs you would even be allowed to wear your dress uniform. It just depends.

  2. No - all uniforms, including Class A or Dress, have optional skirt or pants!

  3. Air Force and Navy both have new digital fatigues.(With pants only) The dress uniforms have optional skirts or pants. Most of the time in the Airforce you have to wear your blues like once a month.

  4. I am a woman veteran of the Navy. When I first joined there were times we were forced to wear skirts. The Navy would make women wear skirts during inspections and during some functions.

    Just about a year before I got out in Dec 2006, they changed the regulations and skirts are no longer manditroy for enlisted women. They can not make you wear a skirt any more. They no longer issue them. However skirts are still an optional item if you want to wear it.

    The only exception is on a ship and skirts are not allowed on a ship for safety reasons. (you can wear one on and off the ship if you are going somewhere elese)

    That was a big issue for some for a while. Some women hated them others perfered them. The big deal was if one person was in a skirt everyone had to be in a skirt (female).

    I was a Hospital Corpsman so we wore our summer whites and winter blues all the time. I think that those uniforms have changed too. The Navy was changing the unforms just before I got out. I don't think the went back to making you wear skirts.

  5. are you going to be a don't ask, don't tell type of sailor or airman?!

  6. No. Unless it is for a speaical function to which people wear their formal uniforms. Military graduations, officer's parties, etc. It would not be practical for women to wear skirts in most military sinarios.

    The military is a place of tradition. Why are there still parades that feature cavalry divisions? Because that is the way it has always been. Why do military women wear a skirt? Because when women were first allowed into the military, the skirt was what they were women wore during that period of time.

    I am glad to hear that some brave men and women of this country still wish to defend the rights and liberties of America ( the land of the free and home of the brave last time I checked). I would suggest the NAVY. Maybe you would be interested in going around in one of those marvals of the modern age, known as an aircraft carrier. The food is great and the atmosphere is friendly. Don't think it's a cruise though! You're there to work, and you work is to stop conflicts before they start and when neccisary bring them to a quick end.

    Good luck! Check out what the military has to say for itself!

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