
Do women just not care what a guy looks like?

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I just saw a profile of a very attractive girl I liked in high school and her fiancee is not even close to being what socialogists would say is physically attractive to women. He does appear to be comfortable financially. I see this time and time again; model-quality women with homely (and financially comfortable) men. I've gone out with girls who send me all kinds of signals and many who do physical things with me only to cut it off when they see I drive an old car and have to have a roommate (SocCal is expensive and I'm a graduate student). I used to model and I'm almost 6'4" athletic build with large eyes, broad shoulders, high cheekbones, well-endowed, etc, and girls just play with me. Younger girls (17-21) like to show me to their friends and then they usually flake out. I'm not stupid and I can conversate fairly well.




  1. I make my own money so I don't care if my man is loaded. If hes not good lookig im not standing next to him period!

  2. Good for your for keeping up your looks. You were in the modeling business too. I am 5'12. I got out of that though I never cared for it.

    Most women just don't care about looks. We do like it if you look good but it is not necessary. Personality can do a lot for a person you just have to see it.

    Hope it help.

  3. well as long as they have the brains and are responsible men, I dont care about looks.....maybe a little bit!

  4. money makes up for whatever the guy may lack in looks

  5. Most of the time, women will get to know a guy, then think about dating him when they feel an attraction of any sort. Being physically attractive right from the start is no guarantee of success with women.

    In response to the delusional answerer above me, money is no guarantee of success with women either. Now that so many of us are making our own, there's no use for yours.

    EDIT TO MIKE T: But how long will it last once they realize what a whinge you are?

    EDIT TO MIKE T: That has nothing to do with it; of course they can. The point is, you are, and if you ever attract a good woman who deserves better, your money won't mean anything to her.

    EDIT TO MIKE T: Whatever, Kanye. Give me a call when you get over yourself.

  6. Some do, some don't.  Power, as Kissinger (I believe) once said, is the ultimate aphrodisiac, and many women see power in the money these guys must have.  You might want to consider dating women who aren't drop dead gorgeous, but will appreciate an attractive gentleman who wants to spend time with them and cares about them.  You do care about your dates' inner beauty, don't you?

    By the way, a woman has a fiance, and a man has a fiancee.  Little distinction in spelling there, my dear.

  7. Any woman who dates men for money is not the kind of woman you want.

    Many women want a real man and looks or money is not the issue.  People should judge on the inside, but of course we know many people only want the "what can you do for me" thing.

    These are not the ones you want in your life.

  8. I don't really care all that much. Its more about the personality and the cash...hehe well seriously personality is a huge part of it. Maybe this chick was with a whole bunch of guys that treated her like garbage and w.e, and now this guy treats her like a queen, so she just decided hes the one for me. U never know what personal experiences mightve influenced her in some way, especially if u havent seen the girl since high school.

    As long as a guy isnt disgusting then im all cool with him, so it doesnt really matter if ur the hottest thing on earth, cuz all I really needs is a guy thats acceptable looking, yu kno? Thats just me, but i think a lot of other girls think like that.

    Then again, there are the girls looking for the guy packing the most heat so... i wouldnt worry about it! ;)

    good luckk 2 u sir.

  9. We might need to reverse gender roles here.You know how some people tell women not to make themselves too sexually available, or men will lose interest afterwards?

    Put yourself in the same shoes.  Don't make yourself into the "s*x toy" or the "arm candy."  Since you're saying that girls do stuff with you, I'm guessing you're either letting them do it to you or you ask them to have s*x with you?  If you do that, they also will view you as just a "good time" and nothing serious.

    Girls can act like guys too..They will show off to their friends how they had s*x with the hot male model  only to go marry a rich and homely man.

  10. have you seen the ugly face of Jay z who has a twisted bulbuous nose? and then of course, he's black and then beyonce lapped him up thanks to his riches.

    that should answer your question right away.

    on a side note - black women - at least the smart ones i have found - are raised to "trade up" to a better race, preferably european - beyonce did the opposite. in the reverse, you see plenty of black men trading up to european/non black women (tiger woods, seal, jordan, kobe bryant)

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