
Do women like being under control?

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You women are being dishonest.




  1. 1

  2. -2 strongly disagree-

    It is not women not being honest with themselves rather I would say you really don't know women.  

    We did not misunderstand - NO.  I do not want to be controlled.  Nor do most women I know.   Looks like the lady is in control of this situation.

  3. 2. I do think women inside like it.

  4. I'll give you a 2 and a "strongly agree" so that you aren't a slave forever.  You really didn't pick the right forum for this bet.  I do think that deep in the subconsious women like others around them to take control.  I've always found (even dating feminists) that women respect me more and respond more positively if I am more assertive in my decisions.  Unfortunately, much like any self-respecting man will never admit when his subconsious wants something that disagrees with his consious opinion; no self-respecting woman is going to admit that she likes you to "control" her.  Therefore, you lost this bet when you made it.  Also, clothing is not an indicator of anything.

  5. 0-I personally like for a man to be in control but not every woman is the same. Some women love to be in control & are the dominant ones in the relationship & some men do. It depends on the individual & the scenario.

  6. I would describe myself as neutral on this subject.  Because while I believe that SOME women enjoy being controlled by a man (and I certainly do) I don't think this true of all, or probably even of most, women.

    And it doesn't necessarily h ave anything to do with clothes.  I don't dress the way you describe, though I do wear s**y underwear because my husband likes it.  But mostly I wear trousers and either t-shirts or jumpers depending on the weather (though I do wear dresses sometimes when it's hot - a fairly rare occurence in england).  and I never, ever wear high-heeled shoes, I can't keep my balance in them.

  7. -2

    Confining clothing by no means equates the desire for a confining relationship.

  8. Meagan knows ..she knows that some women like being in control and I strongly disagree with you that would be a -2..Women are becoming more and more ready to take control and put men in their rightful place.

  9. i usually dont wear bra or i wear ones with no wires underneath. cuz yes, it's right it is too tight and i dont like the feeling.

    and i have whole lot of dresses i am kinda obsessed with purchasing splendid magnificent and beautiful dresses and i occasionally wear them. Dresses dont make me feel uncomfortable but rather it is more relaxing and flexible than pants or jeans cuz u can move so freely in the wide skirt and what's better is u dont have to worry about what to wear on the top. cuz dresses cover both the top and bottom.

    and as to the high heels, i wear 3" or shorter heels all the time. the only reason i wear heels is cuz i want to look taller and that's it. I am 5'7" but i can look like 5'10" wearing heels. and being taller give u whole lot of advantages when dealing with people and also when trying to keep the losers away from you. i mean, u can filter the short guys out because they go away automatically once they check my height and realize they're shorter than me. i could kick their as-s. No kidding.

    what you're missing in this Q is that u dont know there still are so many women who like to be under control. Not every woman in the world is feminists. some of the women are traditonalist, and some are submissive, feminine, and also want their partners to be in control of them. that's why i don't think you're giving sufficient evidences to argue that all women want to be under control by looking what women wear.

    OK, upon ur request through an email, I came back and decided to add an important information. Whether you originally meant to refer to ALL or MOST women by calling them 'women', the conclusion is 'CLOTHES have NOTHING to do with BEING IN or UNDER CONTROL'. Hopefully, you get what I mean. If not, don't bother. just be yourself.

  10. -2, strongly disagree.  

    Women who dress in tight, revealing clothing like showing off their pretty figures.  It does not necessarily equate to how they manage their relationships.  Most of us choose not to be controlled.  

    Have a wonderful time.

    ETA:  you're so full of it.  We're being honest because we don't like the idea, not because we're agreeing with each other.  Your ego is so big that you think we all secretly want to be controlled by a dipschitt.

    The traditional controllees are still very young.  They'll change.  I've seen it happen for too many years to think it's anything but a fad.  Or they're Christians and like the idea.

  11. you're a rocket scientist-

    Did you ever think that's what your woman does to control you?

    Whatever- we need people to sweep streets just as much as we need heart surgeons.

    For the record- women who are willing to share their thoughts and feelings are usually sexier than anyone dressed like a french maid.

    When it comes down to it-we all have the same body parts-if you're only interested in that-it's going to get boring after a while.  

  12. Strongly disagree.

    First, open your eyes and actually USE them. It's simply not true that EVERY woman wears all that stuff you list.

    What you're failing to understand is that it's not true that all women are identical to each other in every way.

    There are PEOPLE (some of them men), who like "being controled" in some ways and to varying degrees. This is just not true of all women.

    As for clothing choices, they have a LOT of reasons behind them, including the dsire to not starve to death, and therefore dress in ways to gt and keep jobs.

    Many men have worn ties; does that mean they have a secret desire to be strangled?

    When you say "you women are being dishonest" you prov that you are not intrested in the truth. I know myself better than YOU know me -- especially considering you don't know me at all. If you wre honest, you'd actually listen to what people are trying to tell you, instead of rejecting everything you don't agree with as lies.

    (BTW, at this moment, this woman is wearing loose shorts, a very loose t-shirt, no shoes, and GASP! no bra. This is my attire of choice. When I go to the store, etc., I have to wear sandals and a bra because of social pressure.)

  13. You are a control freak with no respect for women.  Go to the dog pound and get a mongrel to suit your personality.

  14. My answer is 0-neutral. Some women to be in control, others like to have the man in control. It varies from woman to woman. Sorry I can't be more helpful, but it will be very humorous if YOU end up in the French Maid outfit!

  15. Um... -2.  How about we wear clothes because it's comfortable and it looks good?  You're reading too much into nothing.  Oh, and if you want any suggestions on what you should wear I suggest this whole page.


  16. 1 because ive seen women in relationships and will do any thing for hey boyfriend.

  17. -2- Strongly Disagree.  I'm wearing a pair of jeans that fit but are not tight, a soft cotton top that fits without being tight, no bra because I'm at home, and I never wear high heels- I don't even own a pair, they hurt too much.  I don't own a push-up bra, and I only wear comfortable bras that keep my chest from bouncing because bouncing hurts.  I normally wear sneakers and socks or a pair of comfortable, low-heel or flat boots (in the wintertime if it's cold).  I wear clothes that look nice, but I won't wear uncomfortable things just to be s**y (with the exception of for 3 minutes in the bedroom for my man).  But even in my regular clothes, I'm told that I am very s**y.

    People listen to their partners sometimes and take their suggestions.  It doesn't mean that they want to be controlled by their partners.

  18. -2 There are plenty of women who will assume a leadership role once its offered.

  19. 0

    I made this awsome fried chicken and your silly trolling will not ruin my mood.

  20. -2

    And I didnt misunderstand the question.

    Enjoy being humiliated! :-)

  21. -2

    You say "It's expressed in their choice of clothes: tight dresses, high heel shoes, bras. All these things make them feel confined and controlled which is what they want to be deep down."

    Plenty of women don't wear clothes like this.  Some do, but only when they go out.  For some, it makes them feel more in control.  For others, it sucks but they do it to try and get attention.

  22. -2

    I plan to adopt a kid someday while being a full time doctor whether or whether not I get married. I will never lose my last name, but may combine it with his (hyphen or combining. Example: Smith and Adams, becomes Adith.) I like looking at myself and feeling less insecure and more beautiful (on the out, besides inside). By feeling more happy and less insecure with the way I look, the more I am free. Also, I don't where high heels and dresses unless it's for homecoming or something special. And when I do, I still like it. I usually still dress casually, but feminine. I am independent and am deep and have a mind of my own. If I dress like a tomboy or feminine depending on what I feel like, it doesn't matter because that's what I feel I look good in. It has nothing to do with being under control because I enjoy the way I dress, AND I DECIDE. The women that dress like what you said also most of the time decide.

    Also, I'm speaking for smart/progressive women here, so it definitely will vary in this world we live in from woman to woman.

    No, actually I'm being dead *** serious right now. Sorry. Don't go taking this loss to your gf like a wuss.

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