
Do women like it when a guy holds the door open?

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Most women say thanks, but I've run into some who look at you as if you've done something rude. What gives? Just trying to be polite.




  1. Do it in a friendly manner, not in a dutiful manner. I think its nice to hold the door for anyone, but some people are overly sensitive.

  2. feminists would have a totally different opinion about this gesture and wouldn't treat it as a sign of courtesy, but a sign of the inequalities the society has created between men and women.  

  3. I love when a guy holds the door for me. It  is polite for a guy to hold the door for a woman.  Women who  looked at you rude probably never had someone do that for them

  4. In the late 1960's I was introduced to woman as a self-sufficient entity.  I griped when my husband opened doors for me and felt strong and empowered.  Unfortunately, there are times when it is necessary for someone to open a door for you.  You are pushing a stroller, you have a broken arm, the door is too heavy...Men got out of the habit of opening doors and women were offended if they did.  So now you have what you described, people who say thank you and people who look at you as if you did something rude.

    Now, my husband opens doors for me.  I open doors for other people when it seems appropriate, men, women, people who need help, etc.  Never for kids though because they might be escaping their parental unit.  

    All you can do is be your own polite self, smile and enjoy the thank yous and smile and ignore the glares.


  5. yes! we don't expect it, but when it happens, its really makes our day :D don't worry, i get rude looks too sometimes when i hold a door. i think its just that he/she is having a bad day.

  6. Yes women love this type of stuff!  This was considered for the "older" people, but its coming back full force & women are loving it!  Keep being polite, you're doing the right thing!  I wish more men were like you!  lol For all the women out there, I'll say "Thank you" for them!  

    To everybody on YAHOO:

    I have a new site  "" its just to give advice (from relationships to dealing with death.  ANYTHING)  If you feel like you just want to talk to anyone in confidence add me as a friend & I'll be glad to help.  Thanks so much!

  7. I love it when a guy opens a car door or holds a door open, if that is their style.  I dated a guy for 6 years he never opened a car door for me or anything, not even when i brought our son home.  But my boyfirned now from day on always opened a door for me, not just forme but for other women and is somehitng that he just does not to make a good impression but because he was taught correct.  I love it...

  8. I agree, I hold the doors for women and MOST times it is met with a grunt of disapproval.  Chivalry is NOT dead, it just lives on in my mind!

  9. yup

  10. yes women like it when a man holds a door open for them it shows you are a gentleman so don't worry about the ones that looked at you funny they have never been out with a gentleman.

  11. women love when a man opens the door. only rude, ignorant ppl get mad, get a life.

  12. I think its nice.. you have a few feminazis left but they

    are falling by the way side.. old, alone and nobody cares.

    So they take it out on polite people.

  13. Yes - they appreciate chivalry because it's so rare nowadays!

  14. I like it when anyone holds the door. It's just common courtesy.

    I find it very rude when I'm a couple of steps behind someone and they let the door shut in my face.

    I've held the door for everyone.

  15. I do.

    Can't speak for all women.

  16. Yeah its definatly a good thing. I mean, i like it. I guess some girls might look at it as like, your a girl so i have to open the door for you cuz im a man. But thats just liek feminism.

    Nine times outta ten? Open the door.

  17. Yes and my husband routinely opens the car door for me and other doors. We live in tough times. It's not so simple anymore.  

  18. Some do, some take offence.  You can't be responsible for other people's reactions to you doing what you think is right, so don't worry about it.

  19. I like it when people hold the door for me.  It's just being polite, but not everyone is.  I hold the door for other people all the time, men and women.  No one has ever given me a dirty look.  Although not everyone says thank you, unfortunately.

  20. While I am perfectly capable of opening the door for myself I do appreciate when someone, man or woman, holds the door open for me! I think it's a sign of respect. No one wants to walk in RIGHT after someone else and have a door slammed in their face, now do they? Don't think so. I always hold the door open if I see someone walking in behind me.  

  21. It really depends some girls it doesn't make a difference, some girls think its very classy and polite and some girls think I can open the door myself. However, I've found most women do like it, so I would continue to do it!

  22. Keep being polite, most of us appreciate it.  

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