
Do women like the noise high heels make when they walk?

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Ladies i know when women walk in heels on hard floors they sound so loud.Do women like when they hear how loud it is when they walk in heels?Do they think its s**y or do women not even hear the noise high heels make when they walk on hard floors cause they are so use to it?




  1. Guest45526
    I am forced to hear women stomping with their hard soled shoes all day long at work.  Even on a carpeted floor.  It is very distracting.

    Stomping, nothing feminine about it, just loud.

  2. Guest44859
    why do high heels make a sound when you walk on hard surface floors.

  3. I find woman shoes that make noise to be bothersome.  Sorry, but when ever I am near a "noisy woman", I just marvel at "how does she deal with all that noise, all day long?".  My rubber soles are quite for example.

  4.  Same here, my gf wears metal tips heels all the time. The noise is very cool. I have noticed that metal tips can leave pretty deep dents occasionally on  flooring types like wood, linoleum etc... I quite like when she leaves those dents... She doesn't seem to notice though.... I've seen her leave prints in many public places but also a few times on wood floors at places we go to....

  5. Hi Girls, only a guy would post this question. To me my shoe sounds are as personal as him asking if my thong feels like a wedgie. But since this is anonymous I will tell him: The noise of our shoes and boots is like children on the play ground, it is there but who notices or cares. Most of us enjoy the sounds of femininity of American high heels. IT IS A GIRL THING. It is such a natural sound and often times it is a peaceful white noise.

    However, metal heel tip noise is a love/hate relationship in USA. The metal clicking sounds are atypical here and stand out. No thanks to Julia Roberts in Pretty Women, these sounds are frequently associated with hookers or s***s, or sounds of a woman too cheap to fix her high heels. I love my Hubby dearly but he has a thing for metal taps on women’s shoes. I wear down my heels fast so one time he put small curved metal taps on my high heels without telling me thus I wouldn’t wear those shoes – he crossed the line - I want to be in conrtol of my shoes. I felt like a kid with trainiong wheels on my bike. Then one night my girl friends and me were going to the theater dressed to the nines. The shoes I wanted to wear had these little metal taps he put on the heels but I really love the shoes so I wore them anyway. Secretly I found I really loved the metal clicking sounds I made and even felt excited, so I began wearing these shoes to work (without hubby knowing). At first I really dislike when people turn and look at me and stare at my feet. I might as well carried a bullhorn and announce HERE COMES THE FAT LADY. Shortly after, I visited UK  andI observed stilettos with metal high heel tips were common and rarely drew attention. I bought two pair of Faith shoes with full metal heel tips. . I now have seven pair with metal heel tips and love wearing them. I feel so feminine and powerful when wearing metal tip high heels and dress boots. The training wheel type taps are long gone but introduced me to this new love of metal heel tips. 

    The part I hate most of the loud noise of metal is if I miss the bus and late for a work meeting it is impossible to sneak in. The up side I like the thought metal will last almost forever, even on concrete, and I have learned to drag my heels less (due to very embarrassing scraping sounds). The serious down side is on tiles or ramps it is like walking on marbles, not to mention the dents in my wood floors at home when I forget to remove my shoes.

    In answer to the guy who started this; plastic tip high heel noise is just part of the environment and goes unnoticed by most women but metal noise may stand out. Me, I don’t hear plastic heel noises and my girl friends and those at my work are use to my metal sounds and don’t notice them either, but I am conscience of when wearing my noisy metal tipped heels in new places. If American women followed European women wearing more metal tips heels making it a common sound I would be really happy not to have strangers looking over at my feet and big hips. As far as s**y, it is all about the woman’s mood and how she presents herself and not the noise of her shoes..

    So there guy, a women’s view – and a thong doesn’t feel like a wedgie after she gets use to it either, but it is the thoughts that count.



  6. My wifes noisy high heels don't bother her at all.  Lots of times she tunes  them out after a few steps, even the metal heel tips ones.  I love hearing her heels click but don't notice them either after a short walk.

  7. My wife never minds the noise of her high heels but says much of the time she doesn't even notice. Wearing highheels is the advantages of being a woman and makes her feel feminine! Some of her high heels have metal heel tips to last longer.  She picks out her shoes to match her outfit doesn't care if plastic or metal (except never metal with skirts at work), but sometimes she will choose the shoes with metal tips just to feel powerful and in control - YES SHE LIKES THE FEMININE SOUNDS OF HIGH HEELS but especially of metal heel tips.  She loves the  breif sexual tingle she gets when she first hears the metal sounds like walking from carpet to tile or getting out of the car.  She is an executive and beleives wearing a business pants suite and metal clicking high heels commands respect and show authority.  Frequently other women will compliment her on her shoes more so when she wears the ones with metal tips.  Guys look and smile.

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