
Do women lust in the same way men do?

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This is not asking whether or not they lust. Of course they do. What I mean is, is it physicality that triggers it like with men? Like your just sitting in the subway and a hot young guy just gets in the same car as you and off you go (because that could be a situation where a man would lust). Or is it a slow thing where you leave the subway and then fifteen minutes later you realize you're still thinking about that guy.

Just curious as to the ways of the female mind haha.




  1. I know that the lesbians do.

  2. Do you realise that both examples are the same? The difference lies in the realising.

  3. obviously cause they do. i lust after loads of guys keeps the mind busy and turns me on. all humans do it.

  4. Yes they do, they just hide it better then men do...on average anyway.There seeing eye candy just like men do, they gossip about what he looks like and what they do just like men do.

  5. Just as men vary, so do women.

    Uh, "and off you go" means what, exactly?

    As with men, it also depends on lots of things: one's mood, one's life, among other things.

    We obviously don't, uh, physically manifest lust in the way men do.

    In general, men are more likely to be inspired to lust visually than women are. Men are more susceptible to stronger reactions from, say, seeing someone on a bus than women. But that's "in general, by and large, on the whole" and doesn't apply to every individual.

  6. Do men in the woman lust in the same way?  Perhaps we do, however, I think that women do not act on that lust as quickly as men do, nor are we inclined to show any signs of lust.  In addition, you must consider that women and men have different levels of lust, furthermore, women may lust after a man that is an acquaintance where as most men, do need to be acquainted with a woman to lust after her.  =P

  7. no....

  8. With me, what gets my juices flowing is knowing that the man is strong & rough yet tender & gentle w/ me, the quintessential alpha, "teddy bear", if you will. Also, if he has a nice smile-that will do the trick every time!

  9. Go to a book store and look at the covers of romance books. They lust the same as men do they are just not obvious about it like men are much to their credit.

  10. Not everyone has the same level of lust.

  11. well us women like that person in the instant but we don't feel horny in the instant we feel horny when the guys start touching us. in the other hand guys feel horny just checkin a girl out. that's the big difference. now please answer my question;...

  12. I think that the difference with women is that often, there is an emotional attachment to that lust, like a woman is going to be more likely to lust after a man who she "likes" than just some stranger.  Although, I do think women experience a similar thing where an attractive stranger turns them on, the only difference is it happens to men way more.

    I think there are more men who are willing to have a one-night stand than women.

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