
Do women make eye contact with really attractive guys all the time?

by  |  earlier

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Or do they sometimes just walk by without looking?




  1. I usually make a lot of eye contact and smile, when I can. :b

  2. a little of both can someone help me

  3. I don't know dude. I am a girl(at least I still think I am) and I can't maintain eye contact to anybody(boys nor girls). I think I have ADD or something.  

  4. Yea most of the time they just giggle n smile n talk about it after we disappear lol

  5. both. i know that sometimes, if i feel like i've been looking at guys all day, i just don't look at one and most of the time that's when they look at me. i try to make eye contact most of the time though.

  6. they do both.;...

  7. Direct eye contact is an intimate form of communication and takes effort and practice. This is especially true for those of us who have difficulty expressing themselves verbally or are shy. Eye contact is one of those forms of body language, which when practiced, can send the message that I am secure, interested in you and are listening to what you are saying or doing. Some very confident women WILL almost ALWAYS make eye contact with men they are attracted too, but less secure, shy women find this difficult to do. It doesn't mean they are not probably means they are hoping that the guy will make the "first move" at communication with them.

  8. Depends but most of the time I look straight ahead cuz I m not that bold. I dnt want them to think Im weird

  9. Um, if I find a guy really attractive, I nearly always make eye contact.  I usually flash him a smile before I look away, too.

  10. girls will always look at an attractive guy for as long as they can before they totally pass by them.

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