
Do women mistake cooperation for submission.So many combative,uncooperative ,argumentative women proclaim?

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"men want submissive women ", when in fact I think most guys would be happy with a little cooperation.




  1. Are you aware women aren't the only ones who can be combative and argumentative?

  2. *curls up into fetal position on floor and looks at feet, 'sorry Sir, next time I promise not to slip the knots'

  3. i like your motor bike

  4. Not the intelligent ones

  5. No one really thinks that "men want submissive women."

    SOME men, with low self esteem and a myopic view of the world TRULY want "submission" from their women (if it's not a cultural thing).

    Most men want a loving respectful EQUAL partner. Just like most women.

    Maybe you should stop looking for your women in a trailer park (trailer park women are known to be "uncooperative"....crystal meth does that).

  6. Just a little cooperation? Really?  I've been doing for submissive for no reason.......d**n!   lol

  7. All most guys want is co-operation; it's as easy as that; no it does not mean being submissive; it means bending a bit to make things work; you know act the part of water when it goes through a sippy curvy straw.

  8. yes i think this is a very common misconception among feminists/western women

    often deliberate too, if a man points out a flaw in feminism he is branded all kinds of things

    same with christians, you are either with them or a disciple of satan

  9. I think they do. If the feminists would just get on the same page as the rest of us things would be fine, but they misconstrue everything. I have heard many men say the exact thing you stated.

  10. Would most men be happy for a little cooperation?  Probably so.  Like any other rotten apple spoiling a whole barrel, though, a few loud, combative, uncooperative, argumentative men have made their definition of "submissive" clear and it certainly isn't "a little cooperation" that they are looking for.

  11. Do men mistake cooperation for submission? So many combative, uncoorperative, argumentative men refuse to cooperate in any way with women. Ever notice that?

    No, I don't mistake cooperation for submission. But if by "cooperation" what you really mean is obedience, I'd say it's YOU that are unclear.

  12. Cooperation, compromise, team work, partnership, and a little self sacrifice is all it takes to make things run smoothly. You don't have to be submissive... but its fun sometimes.

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