
Do women really become upset if their b*****s are too small?

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Do you personally think that having large b*****s is better than small ones? How would you feel if your workmates' jokes were all about your nipples being at the same level as your bellybutton?




  1. good for you ksm but you are the exception. most women equate size with how sexually desirable they are and unfortunately many men have the same problem. in the end - when choosing a mate - the size of your chest is not very high on the list of desirable qualities. in the meantime, the implant industry continues to grow.

  2. I think it's a mix. I was always upset about having small breats (I was an A). I wanted to be more like a full C. But I am now a B and I think I'm fine with that. Because I would only want bigger b***s if they were fake. Most real, larger b***s begin to sag fairly early and seem like they would get frustrating - hard to wear anything lowcut without looking like you're trying to showcase your chest, having them hurt when you go running, the sagging issues esp if you want to wear a shirt/dress that you can't wear a bra with. So I think I'm happy with my B's now. They are present enough to feel like a woman, they're nice and perky, and if I need to them to look a little bigger, there's always my push up bra!

  3. The world around us, but more important people around us, can make anyone feel self conscious about anything.  ALthough I love an ample bosom, many women like their bodies as they are.  Obviously when a woman gets a boob job of mythic proportions, she must have felt inadequate.  But very few women do that.

  4. "Too small" for what or for whom? Regardless of size, virtually ALL female b*****s are capable of producing the nourishment required to feed a newborn. After all, that IS what the breast is for, isn't it???

  5. Being unhappy that a particular body part is not large enough is not a trait solely experienced by women.

  6. I won't lie - I have been upset that I'm only a size A and probably won't grow much (I'm in my teens). But I love my body and I like myself (for the most part ;-)) and won't ever get surgery or implants. And anyway, the fact that I won't sag much and most models are small-chested is comfort enough - I don't think I even care anymore.

    If breast-size comes up as a topic between my friends, I make a pouty face and moan about my size. I'm not the least embarrased about it and it becomes amusing after awhile.

  7. I'm 34FF and I'm happy with my size and think I look good.

    My younger sister is only 32B and she doesn't like her b***s, though I think she's gorgeous. She's slim and tall and I think if her b***s were bigger they would look out of proportion with the rest of her body.

    Women of different shapes and sizes can look good and I think it's very sad that so many girls and women are not happy with their bodies. Confidence is the most beautiful and s**y thing a woman can have, and it has nothing to do with having big b***s or small b***s.  

  8. Don't know if it is allowed to comment on other answers... but if it is, I must say that this:

    "i want bigger b***s too. but my husband is not comfortable with the idea of having a super hot wife with big b***s. jerk."

    That is really an awful statement!!! Of course he is not comfortable with you stuffing something in there - and then try to make believe that they are your b*****s. So I am sure he would neither want you to make a fool of yourself, nor to go through the physical and emotional suffering connected that. So, I really don't think he deserves to be called a jerk for that!

  9. just because you have big b***s doesn't mean they are saggy.  

    i have negative A size b***s.  they are teeny tiny.  i hate them.  it doesn't help that i breastfed all three of my children either.  i liked them better when i was nursing...they were so big.

    i want bigger b***s too.  but my husband is not comfortable with the idea of having a super hot wife with big b***s.  jerk.  so i have to settle with what God gave me.   oh well, it could be worse.

    i couldn't tell you if having big b***s is better than having small ones.  from all the complaints i hear about large b*****s i'm kinda thinkin' that maybe small b***s are better?  no, not in s*x though.  i'm a titty woman so i love the b***s.  

  10. I'm smaller chested and it never bothered me. b***s are b***s, and will be liked regardless of their size.  I have a few friends who are larger chested and they always have back pain, or some other ailments, because of them.  I'll pass on that gas.  

  11. I love having small b*****s.  I'd like them to be smaller, though.  I'd like having NO b*****s, just because I find them extremely annoying.  I want to be able to remove my shirt in public like guys are allowed to do, without me getting arrested for indecent exposure.

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