
Do women really sunbathe topless in other countries like Brazil & NOT get arrested for public lewdness?

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Do women really sunbathe topless in other countries like Brazil & NOT get arrested for public lewdness?




  1. Brazil has areas to do this MKL. I remember about a woman that did topless on a normal beach. She had been arrested and she appeared on TV here! Of course her ....(you know) was hidden on the news lol.

  2. They bare all over here in Europe. It hard to go to a beach where there is no one topless. Big or little - there are always many topless bodies on display.

  3. I am Brazilian and I've never seen topless here. The first time I saw topless was out of Brazil.

  4. Yes, I believe in most of Europe it is acceptable as well.

  5. yeah but it's like that in part of Africa as well....

  6. Yes, there are many designated areas for this.

    The problem arises, so to speak, when this activity is done in many "non-designated" areas

  7. wats wrong with nudity, you were born nude. Should there have been a Police officer to arrest every young child?

  8. Yes.  Why things such as this are unacceptable in The U.S. is beyond me.  s*x on every corner, on every TV, & on every PC, in "straight" form or "alternative", but partial nudity with a purpose is frowned upon.  That's just madness.

  9. Topless was very common in Rio aroun 1979, 1980 and later until the decade of 90. It's not common today, but depends on you do it. No peolple, no police, no problem.

  10. That's not so common in Brazil.  They do, however, tend to wear bathing suits that are about two sizes too small.  That's true for both women and men.  Interestingly, it is now legal for women in Ontario, Canada to go topless anywhere that men can be topless.  Though I have yet to see anyone take advantage of this.

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